Saturday, January 4, 2025

2024 Income/Loss Report

2024 Income/Loss Report

total: -$11,645.60 

December 2024 Cryptocurrency Income/Losses Report

Monthly Cryptocurrency Income/Losses Report, December, 2024 

profits -$58.92 
fees $23.08 
total -$82.01 

Year (to date) profits/losses: -$11,645.60 

geophf, do you record every transaction by hand? 
me: "What do you think?" 😤🙄 

Friday, December 27, 2024

Rant: Ethereum transaction-fees

Dear everyone who uses @ethereum blockchain.

Here's a transaction on @Optimism, which took almost no time to verify.



Dear @ethereum, ... maybe you want to follow suit? Maybe?

Last month my company paid $554.12 in gas fees on @ethereum. 😡😡🤬

I'm just spitballing here, but maybe if everybody left @ethereum to do business on blockchains that don't charge $10, $20, $89.78, $104.53 gas PER TRANSACTION, @ethereum might just rethink their whole transaction-game.

And maybe if they don't, they'll go out of business.

You're not REQUIRED to do business on @ethereum, folks. There are protocols on other blockchains that are equivalent to the services @ethereum provides.

I spent most of December moving most of my liquidity off @ethereum to alternative blockchains, like @binance  and @avax.

Monday, November 11, 2024

Sword of $70k

Dear @FantomFDN @polterfinance,

Hi. I'd like my 90k $FTM back from the $gFTM I was unable to withdraw from @GeistFinance, even though there was no borrow against it.

How do I convert this $gFTM to $FTM, please? 


Don't say: "$POLTER airdrop," as that's $17 in total.

The Terra Immolation

Never mind when $LUNA was $120-per. Forget that. That was a dream of a dream.

Let's be realistic.

Remember when $LUNA used to be $1.20-per?

I do. It was April, 2024. Before somebody got paid a 4 MILLION $USDC bonus after killing protocols and driving $LUNA price into the dirt.

And I'm wondering: I'm still getting the pay-back from the Terra-crash, a trickle of $LUNA at 40¢-per.

Where are the 4 MILLION $USDC (not $LUNA, $USDC) bonuses to us who stuck with Terra 2, keeping it alive, all this time, so that 'somebody' at the top could collect that bonus?

When @TheRyanLion reinjects hope and volume into Terra 2, only to have the rug pulled out from under him, where protocols he started with are now just ... gone?

Why do blockchains do this? When they encounter a major blow, instead of fighting back, they immolate themselves.

And remember that @astroport_fi used to be this whole ecosystem on Terra, and now ... what? It doesn't even default to Terra any more!

Dear blockchains,

Don't do this. Don't 'reinvent yourself' by ABANDONING your PROTOCOLS and even your BLOCKCHAINS!

You've abandoned your communities, and you'll NEVER recover.


You've lost your communities' trust. You can't buy that back with new, false, promises.

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Kujira Crash: alts

Here's a casualty of the Kujira self-implosion.


Eleven quark tokens. How much work went into setting up the protocol? How much went into integrating @unstake_fi? How much work went into creating each of ELEVEN TOKENS? All of them to be worthless soon. 

Here's something to think about: Kujira alts.

Remember when these tokens were going somewhere? And now?

If you don't remember their prices: here they were.

KUJI $5.10
NSTK $0.28
AQLA $0.06
FUZN $0.06
WINK $0.11
MNTA $0.82

How much did you lose on betting on their futures?

Blockaverse report, 2024-11-02

Blockaverse report, 2024-11-02 

invested: $125,152.22
TVL $70,338.85 

gain/loss -$54,813.36
ROI -43.80%