Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Terra portfolio report 2024-05-07

Let's do @terra_money.


The @tfm_com quick-swap is a better trade than @astroport_fi so I swap 100 $LUNA for $ROAR on @tfm_com. 

The ASTRO/LUNA-EMA20 says BUY, so I swap 100 $LUNA for $ASTRO on @astroport_fi (which has the better swap). I record the two swaps as arbitrage on my SPREADSHEETSZORXEN! 

The LUNA/{BTC, ETH, PAXG}-EMA20s are all HODL, so I do no swap there. 

Terra Arbitrage 2024-05-08

incept date: 2024-03-23

LUNA start: 2267.15 $2,444.21
ROAR adj: 67437291.83 $419.93
ASTRO start: 0.00 $0.00
start: $2,864.14

LUNA 2112.89 $1,293.09
ROAR 114199572.39 $311.76
ASTRO 618.16 $60.83
total: $1,665.68

Terra portfolio report 2024-05-07 

net worth $2,122.83 
total invested: $3,007.03 
total debts: $0.00 

losses from Terra-crash: -$30,407.56 

gain/loss: -$884.19 
ROI: -29.40% 

ROI: 27.24% -41.84%
APR: 216.17% -332%


Optimism portfolio 2024-05-07

Next, let's do @Optimism.

The OP/ETH-EMA20 says SELL, so SELL, I do! on @VelodromeFi. I then record the SELL as arbitrage on my SPREADSHEETSZORXEN! 

This is the first time I'm starting an $OP-arb, ... that is:

  • OP -> ETH -> OP.
The LDO/ETH-EMA20 says 'Steady on!' so I HODL. 

Finally, SNX/ETH-EMA20 indicates BUY, so I swap $ETH for $SNX on @VelodromeFi and record this as arbitrage on my SPREADSHEETSZORXEN! 

Optimism portfolio 2024-05-07 

total net worth: $772.46 
total invested: $384.48 

ROI: 100.91% 

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Arbitrum portfolio 2024-05-07

Let's do @arbitrum.

The ARB/ETH-EMA20 is a very weak BUY, so I do nothing. 

Arbitrum portfolio 2024-05-07 

total net worth: $3,161.68
total invested: $2,828.00 

ROI: 11.80% 

Fantom Opera portfolio 2024-05-07

Next, let's look at @FantomFDN.

Both the FTM/ETH and FTM/BTC EMA20 do not favor swapping from $FTM, so I make no swap here. 

Fantom Opera portfolio 2024-05-07 

total net worth: $236.43 
total invested: $0.00 

losses from Fantom bridge hack: -$17,324.65 

Avalanche portfolio 2024-05-07

Let's do the @avax-THANG!

The QI/AVAX-EMA20 says BUY $QI with $AVAX.

I collect the $AVAX yields from both @GMX_IO and @BenqiFinance and swap to $QI on @TraderJoe_xyz, recording the swap into my Arbitrage SPREADSHEETSZORXEN! 

Avalanche portfolio 2024-05-07 

total net worth: $33,388.57 
total invested: $37,327.99 
total debts: -$40,475.53 / LTV: 63.34% (max 70% LTV) 

ROI: -10.55% 

Checking on the AVAX/ETH-EMA20, the call is HODL. 

I missed, by one day, an opportunity to sell $AVAX for $ETH and move that to @arbitrum and @Optimism.

Another day, then.


...and has been HODL (or on the BUY-side) for a while now.