Wednesday, May 29, 2024

2024-05-29 ETHBTC Indigo report

Let's do the ETHBTC-THANG! ... starting with @Indigo_protocol.

First up: there are two new proposals concerning the (re)distribution of (unallocated) $INDY for stakers on the protocol.

Go vote!

I do have yields and liquidated $ADA to collect on @Indigo_protocol stability pool-stakes, but still not significant enough to harvest yet. I'll wait until I have over $100-worth of rewards to collect. 

SNEK/ADA-EMA20 says SELL, but I have no $SNEK, so I chill. 

Both ADA/ETH and ADA/BTC EMA20s say BUY, but this is a stake-n-HODL-portfolio, so I'll let @Indigo_protocol stake/liquidate mechanism get me $ADA from those staked synthetic assets when liquidations do occur. 

2024-05-29 ETHBTC Indigo report 

incept date: 2023-07-27 

0.00960 iBTC $647.10 
0.6695 iETH $2,511.04 
iUSD $2,058.04 
3708.460 ADA $1,672.52 
0 SNEK $0.00 

fees $107.96 
yields $1,427.47 
net $1,319.51 
35.13% APY 

invested: $4,465.58 
value: $6,888.69 
net: $2,423.11 

ROI: 54.26% 64.51% APR 

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