Saturday, March 30, 2024

Kujira portfolio 2024-03-30

It is with some trepidation that I say:

"Let's do the @TeamKujira portfolio-THANG!"

But this should go okay, now that I've organized.

I hope.

Let's start by collecting the @MantaDAO-yields from my stake.

The rate of return is a very respectable 28% APR on $MNTA staked with @MantaDAO, which is cool beans!

But the caveat here is that I staked this $MNTA when it was <10¢-per, so, $382.5 staked then doesn't have the same UMPHF! that $382.5 staked today.

Today's APR would be ~5%.

I have some filled orders to claim on @TeamKujira FIN, mostly around $MNTA's price-plummet. 

Let's claim those and see what the fall-out is. 

I SHIPOORSz tokens from the @TeamKujira FIN filled orders to various places, like: the $ASTRO and $AQLA go to my Sumo vault addy (which will trigger a Sumo vault report), the $gPAXG goes to my ETHBTC addy, the $ATOM goes to my MENSA portfolio. 

Each to its own. Like that. 

I lend my $USDC to Ghost, which sometimes earns better APR than what @anchor_protocol was, back in the day.

Hard for you kids to believe, but Anchor WAS the Anchor of all cryptocurrency, because the 20% APR was just so unbelievably enticing.

20% APR? ON A STABLE? Whodathunkit?

Kujira portfolio 2024-03-30

total net worth: $28,020.90

total invested: $21,630.07
total debts: -$3,979.94
ROI: 29.55%

Here is the break-out by @TeamKujira protocol. 

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