Monday, February 19, 2024

Terra/Migaloo Money Markets, cont.

Capapult ($SOLID)

Since I deposited $ampLUNA into @solid_capa yesterday, I mint $SOLID.

Note that Capapult doesn't have an EARN-tab.


What, then, is the use-case for $SOLID, other than bidding?

Here's a problem:

@solid_capa lists $wBNB and $wSOL as collateral, but on their dashboard does not have $wBNB NOR $wSOL TVL.

@solid_capa, please list on your dashboard $wBNB and $wSOL provided total values.

Here's another problem, their UX-design is consistent, yes, but it sucks, consistently.

I select a premium rate, ... how?

By selecting the rate on the chart? no.
By entering the percent? no.

By a [redacted] slider. Only.


I enter my bid by entering the numbers? no.


Here's another problem on @solid_capa:

How many $ampLUNA tokens did I provide?

I have a dollar value. Nowhere do I see the actual number of tokens I've deposited. So, I'm Canadian, or European, and you give me USD amounts?

Their UX does not provide essential information.

The UX on @solid_capa seems out-of-place for money markets across blockchains, and their entry for liquidation bids is clunky, best.

You make your UX incomprehensible and difficult, you create barriers to entry for potential investors who will take their money elsewhere.

Further, a money market that doesn't have a depositary for their stable token?

I mint $SOLID, but you don't let me earn interest on it?

@ginkou_io has that.
@CavernProtocol has that.
@TeamKujira has that.


Now, @solid_capa may argue they've incentivized an LP or two on @astroport_fi.

But guess what other LPs are incentivized there?


Guess what other stable has depositaries on every other money market? 


@solid_capa: please incentivize HODL'n $SOLID, ffs. 

I place liquidation bids for $ampLUNA, $wBTC, $wETH, and $bLUNA on @solid_capa.

My asset allocations are as follows.

I still have (a lot) of $SOLID remaining after placing liquidation bids on @solid_capa (HATE their rebranding).


I withdraw $axlUSDC from @CavernProtocol EARN-tab and provide liquidity to @astroport_fi SOLID-axlUSDC LP. 


Terra/Migaloo Money Markets, conclusion.

I wuz gunna conclude with @ginkou_io on Migaloo.

But look what happens when I go to borrow against provided-collateral.

'Transaction failed.'

No details. No explanation.

@ginkou_io why is borrowing not working? Please fix. 

Fortunately, for me, I don't need to borrow $axlUSDC tokens to bid on liquidations on @ginkou_io.

Meaning: I don't need @ginkou_io's borrow facility, at all.

I can mint $USK on @TeamKujira BLUE, then swap that liquidity to $axlUSDC on FIN.

When I claim that order, I'll bridge.

It's actually @noble_xyz $USDC, so after some bridging, and bridging back, and swapping, I now have liquidity on @ginkou_io to bid on liquidations.

I do that. 

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