Sunday, April 7, 2024

Optimism portfolio 2024-04-06

Let's do the @Optimism-THANG!


First off, there's a money-market play: @GranaryFinance. 

  1. Supply $sUSD at 33% APY (APR?)
  2. Borrow any stable you like (say $DAI; ... NOT $sUSD)
  3. Swap to $sUSD on @VelodromeFi 
  4. Loop.

You're looping at 20% δ. 


The @beethoven_x LPs on @Optimism have been lovely. Except the "All in on the Grain Train"-LP. That's sucked.

But it's time for me to manage my liquidity.

I withdraw all LPs to $wETH (and $wstETH swapped to $ETH).


The @Optimism blockchain has @synthetix_io which has several protocols, some dealing with options and hedge, so you stake $SNX to mint $sUSD to ...

... I don't know. I don't get it. I tried to, but this isn't my cuppa.

I pull my debt hedge from @torosfinance and burn the $sUSD.

After I free up my staked $SNX, I see the SNX/stable EMA20 is 'BUY!' 



I have profited from @torosfinance $dSNX debt-hedge, leaving over some $sUSD.

On the EMA20's recommendation, let's swap to $SNX on @VelodromeFi. 

I have some lovely positions on @torosfinance (besides the $dSNX). I move all the liquidity off Toros. It's not that they didn't do great! They did.

It's just that I have other plans for that liquidity.

I put that plan into action, right away, as OP/USD-EMA20 says buy, so I swap some $USDC to $OP on @VelodromeFi.

There's a BUY-call for SNX/USD, so I swap $USDC to $SNX, as well.


So, let's get to my new purpose for my @Optimism portfolio: $ETH-arbitrage.

First, I swap some $ETH to $OP on that EMA20 call on @VelodromeFi 

Next, I buy some $LDO on @VelodromeFi, both from $USDC and $wETH, as both EMA20 indicators call BUY. 

Then, the SNX/ETH-EMA20 says BUY, so I swap $ETH for $SNX on @VelodromeFi 

One final EMA20-directed-swap: the EMA20 for ETH/stable says BUY, so I swap $USDC for $wETH on @VelodromeFi 


Finally, a bit of housekeeping: I swap the $USDC to $sUSD and the $wETH to $ETH and deposit into @GranaryFinance.

Hey, @GranaryFinance, can you allow me to deposit $wETH or $ETH to supply $ETH on @Optimism, please?

So, now I have positions on @GranaryFinance on @Optimism. 

Optimism portfolio 2024-04-06 

total net worth: $858.69 
total invested: $384.52 
total debts: $0.00 

ROI: 123.31% 

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