Thursday, May 2, 2024

Cryptocurrency pop-quiz: mapping domains to protocols

#cryptocurrency pop-quiz:

Create a SPREADSHEETSZORXEN! that maps Domains --v to protocols. 

Write a #Rust program, ./dom, that, from the provided SPREADSHEETSZORxEN!, creates the Domains in a graph database (if not present) and maps those Domains to their respective protocols.
So, the standard view of a blockchain is that it has tokens, transactions, and protocols.

The idea that protocols are purposed into domains (e.g.: "Ghost is a money market") views the blockchain from a different Aspect.

Aspect-orientation cross-cuts standard models.

Aspects, interestingly, can be multiparametric.

 What do I mean?

Take @Levana_protocol: it's both in the Trading-Domain and in the Leverage-Domain.

@NolusProtocol: Trading-, Leverage-, and Leasing-Domains.

This creates incredible flexibility for data visualizations.

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