Thursday, March 7, 2024

2024-03-06 Kujira ORCA portfolio report

Great! Now, let's continue with the liquidations fulfilled.


First up, I collect 20 liquidated $KUJI for 71.5 $xUSK
premium: 2%
$KUJI liquidated price: $4.05, market price: $4.00

Huh. I paid 5¢-per extra. NO FUN! 😤

... I guess the devs just have to make $KUJI price go up. 🤪

But here's the thing.

I don't need the devs to make $KUJI price-go-up.

The markets don't control $KUJI-price.
The devs don't control $KUJI-price.

The trader controls the $KUJI-price.
I'm a trader. I set $KUJI price.

This is fundamental to success.

Learn this.

Saying "I set the price" is all well and good. I have forever I can wait for the order to hit, so I wait.

But that doesn't get me the next bid right now, see?

That's why I'm the trader: I have multiple ways of doing things and multiple income streams.

I mint $USK and bid.

Reminder: activate your bids!

Reminder: there are some markets on @TeamKujira ORCA that require you to activate the bid, manually, no matter that you even selected 'automatically activate bid.'

ORCA won't activate the bid, and, if you forget for days, you've locked away your liquidity as the bids pass you by


To finish out the $ATOM-thang!: I sell-back (most) the $ATOM to recouple my $USK-bid (and then some), then 'deposit' the remaining $ATOM into the $stATOM LSD (by posting a buy-order on @TeamKujira FIN).

When I claim the $stATOM, I'll lend that to Ghost, growing my $stATOM bag.


Onto the next liquidation claim, this one being 2 liquidated $stATOM for 31.06 $USK, premium 2%

$stATOM liquidation price: $15-per
market price: $15.95-per

I sell-back (most) the claimed $stATOM on FIN then lend the remaining $stATOM to Ghost.

ROI: 7.84% / 318.08% APR

When I say 'DONE! ✅,' I mean I'm 'DONE! ✅' with the $stATOM-liquidation. I still have to replace the bid, creating a new bid for liquidated $stATOM. Since I get hits here, I increase my bid to 50 $USK (in total).


Next up: $INJ.

Is $INJ still a 'thing'? Do people like $INJ?

I claim 0.891314 liquidated $INJ for 30 $USK, 6% premium

$INJ liquidation price: $33.83
market price: $38.92

I sell-back (most) the $INJ for $USK on FIN, then lend the rest to Ghost.

ROI: 49.76% / 336.33% APR

Look at that ROI. Look at that APR.

It took a month and a half to get those returns.

Now, a question: would you be willing to wait that long for those returns?

That's how I make BANK on @TeamKujira ORCA.

I set my bid.
I adjust my bid when it becomes too high premium.
I wait.

I borrow a wee bit o' $USK against $DOT on @TeamKujira BLUE ($10-worth), then rebid for liquidated $INJ on ORCA.

I wait 10 minutes (taking care of SPREADSHEETSZORXEN!-data-entry), then 💥💥💥 (manually) activate 💥💥💥 that bid. 

KUJI (again)

Next up, $KUJI. This time from a bid of $xaxlUSDC.

2.4 liquidated $KUJI for 8.3 $xaxlUSDC, 5% premium
$KUJI liquidation price: $3.73
market price: $4.03

I sell-back 2 $KUJI on FIN and lend the rest to Ghost.

I'm leaving the bid on ORCA as it is for now.

ROI: 1.48% / 30% APR

Meanwhile, I note that there WAS activity on the KUJI/xOSMO marketplace on @TeamKujira ORCA, AND I have a bunch of $OSMO, sitting on @osmosiszone, doing nothing.

I transfer the $OSMO over, lend it to Ghost, earning 3% APR, then place a bid for liquidated $KUJI with that $xOSMO.

Is that bid ever going to be fulfilled?

Probably not.

But here's the thing, since I bid with an $x-asset – a Ghost-lent-asset – that means that while that bid sits there, forever, it's going to be earning ~3% APR, ... forever.

THAT's the power of bidding with $x-assets, folks.


Next up is a doozy!

I claim 45 liquidated $LUNA for 30 $USK on @TeamKujira ORCA. That means I bought liquidated $LUNA at 66¢-per, whereas the market price is $1.14-per.

WOW-o-WOW-o-WOW! 🎉🎉🎉

I immediately sell-back (most) the liquidated $LUNA and replace that filled bid.

Now, I could lend the remaining $LUNA to @TeamKujira, but there's another opportunity:

The LUNA/MNTA order book on FIN needs bootstrapping. When that order book activates, there'll be some churn. I sell the $LUNA there, at 9-to-1, to seize this opportunity. 

The remaining $USK from the liquidated $LUNA sale on @TeamKujira I do lend to Ghost, at 30%+ APR.

Do you see the magic here?

Bidding, then claiming, liquidated $LUNA lets me arb BOTH $USK ($5 profit) AND $LUNA (another $5+ profit) AT THE SAME TIME!

It's a lovely thing to do!

Liquidation Bid maintenance

Now, for $MNTA, I don't have a claim, but this is part of the process. Do you see my bid? That 18 $xaxlUSDC bid is 'stuck' behind a 3,000+ bid. So, I retract my bid, then rebid that bid at 4% premium, front-running the whale.

You have to stay on top of your bids if you want hits

Okay, that takes care of the fulfilled bids on @TeamKujira ORCA.

These are my ORCA positions.

2024-03-06 @TeamKujira ORCA Bids

35 active bids
Total bid ($): $2,476.62

FIN composition 2024-03-06



value $













2024-03-06 @TeamKujira ORCA portfolio: muh BAGz! on Ghost

n tokens


value ($)

























total: $242.43

2024-03-06 @TeamKujira Blue Mint positions

assets $1,806.12
minted $470.00

total: $1,336.12

2024-03-06 @TeamKujira ORCA portfolio report

(re)incept date: 2024-03-06
starting liquidity: $3,469.77
# active bids: 35

$242.43 Ghost & HODL
$430.031 FIN
$39.82 reserves
$1,336.12 BLUE mints
$2,476.62 ORCA bids

accumulated fees: -$12.14

$4,512.86 total

ROI: 30.06% / inf APR

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