Monday, April 1, 2024

Avalanche portfolio 2024-04-01

Let's do the @avax-THANG!

I didn't finish the @arbitrum-THANG! last night, because it's STUPID how hard it is to transfer assets off @TeamKujira onto L2s intact. STUPID!

So, I'm selling my "$wETH.axl" (whatever the HELL that means, smh) to "$USDC.axl" (ffs) and moving on.

The EMA20 indicators { AVAX/USD, QI/USD, QI/AVAX } are all buy, 

so let's buy some $QI with some $AVAX.

Nerve-wracking, isn't it, when it's buy-buy-buy for a long time. It feels like you're throwing money down into a pit.

Fortunately, QI/AVAX also has a history of sell, too, and when a sell-call does come through, the $AVAX gains will be sweet!

Trading = planning + patience.

I borrow 10 $AVAX from @BenqiFinance then I swap it to $QI on @KyberNetwork. 

Let's do the @avax portfolio report. 

Avalanche portfolio 2024-04-01 

total net worth: $43,510.23 

total invested: $36,012.09 
total debts: -$54,326.99 
ROI: 20.82% 

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