Friday, November 10, 2023

2023-11-09 ETHBTC-THANG! Day 165

Okay, I'm doing something wild'n:

I already have a $BTC 10xLONG position on @Levana_protocol, but I don't have a short position (as that was just liquidated. Yay.)

So. What do I do?

I borrow 0.01 $BTC from @TeamKujira Ghost, bridge that to @osmosiszone, then place a 5xSHORT.

My plan, here, is to gain back the $BTC I lost from liquidations AND pay-down the borrow with the leverage on @Levana_protocol AND arbitrage on @TeamKujira FIN.

You may be saying: "BORROW ... to LEVERAGE???"

I did say it was wild'n, didn't I? 

el geophf, #degen o' #degen

Speaking of liquidated $BTC, here is the state of that.

0.0197 $BTC liquidated on 2023-10-23

As of 2023-11-09 I have recovered -0.001604 $BTC
92.91% remains 

Why am I sharing this with you? Right? Seriously!

To show you that I'm a total idiot?


Folks: learning is the process going from more stupid to less stupid. If I share only my successes, how can you follow my strats, being that they're always perfect?

No. I'm showing you that I'm not perfect, that I do make mistakes, and that I do learn from them, and that I keep trying.

So when I DO hit pay-dirt, you see that a schmuck like me could do it.

I hope that it give you hope that: you can do this, and succeed, too.

That's why.

Here's the flip-side of that coin.

"I made $2.3M investing in $DOGE."

You see that all the time, right? or:

"I made 10x on $JEWEL," right?

How much did they lose to make that gain? How much did they lose after? The grass is always greener, but so what? How does that help you?

If you've followed me from day 1, you've seen a guy with a tie start with $0.00, make a lot of mistakes, learn some things, and BUIDL a portfolio.

You'll eventually see me get my financial freedom.

Starting from $0.00.

If you wish, you can take what I've done and do it, too.

2023-11-09 ETHBTC-THANG! Day 165

  • no swap; today

ETH: 4.10796 BTC: 0.0038

Total: $8,853.02 TVL EMA-20:
n.b.: TVL EMA-20 indicates that ETHBTC, itself, is cruising!

ROI: 3.39% APR: 7.49%

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