Saturday, December 31, 2022

2023-01-01 KUJI arb

Finally, to greet the New Year, let's arb $KUJI

./vern, my man main, ./vern recommended a via-DOT-arb, 

....but the straight(er)foward arb is just as efficacious:

So, I place the first order:

The KUJI/ATOM sell-order hit on the $KUJI-arb, but ./vern, my main man, ./vern sez that things have gotten a wee bit moar complicated:


is the new path.

SO, my new order is:

  • 2023-01-01 placed: 13.2 ATOM -> _ USK, SELL at 9.068

2022-12-31 DOT arb

Now, let's do a $DOT-arb.

./vern, my main man, ./vern sez:


But I'm going to kick things off via the DOT/USK order book, then swap USK for axlUSDC via that order book.

Because I CAN!
  • 2022-12-31 placed: 35.828896 DOT -> _ USK, SELL at 4.167 fulfilled

2022-12-31 ATOM arb

Let's start an $ATOM arb.

./vern, my main man, ./vern sez:


So, I generate a gantt-chart for that $ATOM-arb-path 

... and place the first order:

The sale on the ATOM/axlUSDC order book popped, and ./vern confirms the arb-path is still good (given we ignore the no-volume DOT-order-book suggestion).

Let's place the next order, which is to buy $wETH:

  • 2023-01-01 placed: 73.438 axlUSDC -> _ wETH, BUY at 1193.51

Investment by BlockChain: 2022-12-31

Hey, Fantom-stans!

Did you know @Alpha_HomoraV2 is on Fantom GhostChain? I didn't.

Did you know they have the powerhouse, BTC/ETH leveraged LP? I didn't.

Did you know they have the KANG: the Beethoven's late quartet (BTC/ETH/FTM/USDC) in A-minor leveraged LP? I didn't.


Also, if you haven't listened to Beethoven's late quartets, now is the perfect time to do so. They actually encompass all of music in one mystical moment. 

I'd recommend the A-minor quartet. 

Yeah, so I bought $40 of $UNIDX when it was $0.88, ...?

Yeah, so I wish I had bought more, ... yeah. 😳

2022-12-31 @GranaryFinance $sFTMX loop APR

incept date 2022-12-03
sFTMX leverage: 59901.33
sFTMX factor: 1.0706
FTM borrow: -43,252.20
net FTM: 20,878.17
net FTM δ: 2,165.86
days in market: 28

APR: 135.23%
APY: 18.64%

With $SD at $0.27 that is $2.28 collected per day (avg)

me: G-d, please let no one read my reports then supply $sFTMX and borrow $FTM on @GranaryFinance! G-d, please let no one read my reports then supply $sFTMX and borrow $FTM on @GranaryFinance! 

@DeFinalFantasy: WAT??? 😤

me: ohai, son! How are you? Eheh! 😅

With that, I can now do the daily blockchains report.

Investment by BlockChain: 2022-12-31

invested: $76,380.45
value: $62,720.23
ROI: -17.88%

... I think this is the first report where the $AVAX-presence in my portfolio has fallen below 50%. 

Net Avalanche positions: 2022-12-31

Net Avalanche positions: 2022-12-31

invested: $50,790.74
valuation: $39,334.15
ROI: -22.36%

2022-12-31 Aave AVAX loop APR report

2022-12-31 @AaveAave $AVAX loop APR report

APY 4.24%
APR 30.01%

all yield collected: 5.47 $WAVAX
yields, incept: 2022-11-14
yield collected for 47 days
With $AVAX at $10.99
that is $1.28 collected per day (avg)

Daily cryptocurrency income report, 2022-12-30

Daily #cryptocurrency income report, 2022-12-30: -$61.31*

As Gorillaz' Noodle says: "Hello!" 😊👋

*does not include auto-restaked yields nor s- nor x-token gains

Valuation, Kujira portfolio: 2022-12-31

Valuation, Kujira portfolio: 2022-12-31

invested: $11,559.66
value: $10,056.70
net gain: -$1,502.96
δ yesterdæg: $68.98
APR: -63.28%

staked: $334.82
wallet: $1,173.406
order book bids: $6,013.30
Supply: $1,189.66
Borrow: -$358.358
LPs: $1,583.76
ORCA liquidation Bids: $120.120

total assets: $10,056.70
matches value: TRUE
discrepancy: $0.00


@TeamKujira FIN order books: 2022-12-30

Profit: $7.625
Loss: $79.481
subtotal: -$71.856
fees: $0.001
commission: $0.245
total costs: $0.246

Total profit (or loss): -$72.101 on 7 trades
average: -$10.300 per trade


2022-12-31 wETH arb

Let's start our next arb!

I ask ./vern, my main man, ./vern how to arb $wETH.

./vern sez:


That looks reasonable. I run the gantt chart 

...and place my first order on this $wETH-arb:

  • 2022-12-31 placed: 0.02003 $wETH -> _ USK, SELL at 1187.31 fulfilled

axlUSDC/USK arbitrage

How I arb $USK using $FURY on @TeamKujira FIN FURY/USK order book.

  • I placed a buy-order of 50 USK of ~12k $FURY
  • that hits
  • I placed a sell-oder of that ~12k $FURY at 10% higher price.

As you see: 

I'm now collecting 56 $USK, or 10% more $USK, from that sell-order.

Conversely, I arb both $axlUSDC and $USK on the axlUSDC/USK order book.

This time I'm arbing $axlUSDC (OR. AM. I???): I placed sell orders of $axlUSDC for 50 and 37.5, sold for $USK, now I'm buying back at 51 and 38 $axlUSDC.

axlUSDC/USK is a no-brainer arb-machine! 

Do I rest on those trades?


I turn those buy-orders around to sell-orders, again, a bit higher than I bought.

THEN! Since axlUSDC/USK is so freek'n whack, I put in three buy-orders for deeply discounted axlUSDC-bargains.

Friday, December 30, 2022

axlUSDC/USK: weird

This is a follow-up to the simple arb post.

Okay, on @TeamKujira blockchain, we can all agree that we HAVE $axlUSDC, but we WANT $USK, right? We can  agree, yes?

So, given that:

The axlUSDC/USK order book has got to be the weirdest thing in the Blockaverse. Bar none.

I 'sold'(?) $axlUSDC? No: I was BUYING $USK.


So, this weird-o order book, axlUSDC/USK, is 🔥🔥🔥

I claimed three 'sales': so I 'sold' $axlUSDC.

So, when I want to make profit on the arb I 'buy' the $axlUSDC back, but at a LOWER(!!!) price

Sell high; buy low to profit on this order book

I place 3 new sell-orders.

But, as I placed these sell-orders, two of them filled, immediately. Like I said: axlUSDC/USK is 🔥🔥🔥. So, I placed moar sell orders, then I matched what I 'sold' with buy-orders, but, remembering to set the price lower on the $USK I'm using to 'buy' $axlUSDC. 


This is how arbitration on the axlUSDC/USK order book works: you first 'sell' $axlUSDC at price x, then, when that order is fulfilled, you 'buy' back it at price x-ε.

What am I really arbing? $axlUSDC or $USK?

'Yes' 🤓

I want to grow my $USK-bag, but growing both is fine, too.

Investment by BlockChain: 2022-12-30

Investment by BlockChain: 2022-12-30

invested: $76,349.95
value: $61,993.84
ROI: -18.80%

2022-12-30 Granary Finance sFTMX loop APR

2022-12-30 @GranaryFinance $sFTMX loop APR

incept date 2022-12-03
sFTMX leverage: 59901.11
sFTMX factor: 1.0704
FTM borrow: -43,248.43
net FTM: 20,869.71
net FTM δ: 2,157.41
days in market: 27

APR: 139.75%
APY: 16.32%

With $SD at $0.27 that is $2.00 collected per day (avg)

Net Avalanche positions: 2022-12-30

OOH! I have yields to collect from @BenqiFinance! SO!

  • I collect the $QI-yields

  • I swap them to $AVAX on @pangolindex 

  • I swap what's in my wallet over 1 $AVAX to $sAVAX on @KyberNetwork 

  • I supply the $sAVAX to @BenqiFinance marketplace.

I'll now run the Avalanche report.

Net Avalanche positions: 2022-12-30

invested: $50,790.74
valuation: $38,751.41
ROI: -23.51%