Friday, December 23, 2022

Investment by BlockChain: 2022-12-23

Let's move the $AVAX-liquidity off-chain so we can redistribute in order to run the daily blockchains report. 

Primus: we move 50% of the $AVAX to @Bybit_Official with an eye toward Fantom GhostChain. 

Secundus, I move the rest of the $AVAX to @TeamKujira blockchain:

  • I swap $AVAX to $USDC on @KyberNetwork 

  • I swap the $USDC to $axlUSDC on @CurveFinance 

  • I bridge that liquidity to @TeamKujira using the BLUE bridge

  • Voilà: you see the liquidity on the Kujira blockchain.

That accomplished, we shift focus back to the Fantomonian Ghost Dawg-side. On @Bybit_Official I swap-swap the $AVAX to $FTM via the AVAX/USDT and USDT/FTM order books, 

... then I transfer that $FTM to my Fantomastic wallet. 

What I'm going to do now is to squeeze a rock so hard that it bleeds water. The rock in question is @GeistFinance and the blood is $MIM-borrow.

So, I swap the $FTM to $USDC on @UniDexFinance, 

... then supply that $USDC to @GeistFinance, 

... then borrow the maximum amount of $MIM.

Now, when I do this borrow it looks like I'm red-lining, but that's not actually the case. I have 2-3 $MIM leeway, so: nothing to have a panic-attack, but also nothing to nap on.

So no naps for me!

I swap the $MIM to $USDC on @UniDexFinance 

...then resupply it all to @GeistFinance

Okay, we're back in the yellow-zone with a 1.1 health factor.

But I'm left with a conundrum. I came in with liquidity. I have no liquidity. I have leverage, yes, but ...

Do I bleed this rock dry with another $MIM self-loan?

What do you think I'll do?

What I do do ('do do', ... eheh 😅) is to borrow 300 $MIM. 

This leaves padding of 200 $MIM above liquidation, and gets me my spicy liquidity to distribute around this ... dare I say? ... `spooky` blockchain. I swap 100 $MIM to $USDC 

... to supply the $USDC-pool on @UniDexFinance 

The remaining $MIM I swap to $FTM on @UniDexFinance, 

for two ends:

  1. 50% goes to the $FTM-pool on @UniDexFinance, earning ~46% APY (paid in $FTM)
  2. 50% goes to the @GranaryFinance 

Let's do the $FTM-pool on @UniDexFinance first:

Alrighty, we've stashed $100-worth of $FTM into the @UniDexFinance $FTM-pool.

Now, let's loop $sFTMX supply / $FTM borrow on @GranaryFinance. You know how this goes, right? I supply the s-token and borrow the regular token, leveraging (muchly) the s-token's intrinsic gains.

As soon as I have borrowed $FTM in hand, I swap it to $sFTMX on @SpookySwap, then resupply to @GranaryFinance. 

A 1x loop is fine for now, and that means I'm leveraging the intrinsic s-token growth at 2x+ (the '+' is from prior multiple loops). 

At the end of the loop, my @GranaryFinance positions are:

  • 67% LTV
  • Health: 1.11

You'll note that I have ~$12k in $sFTMX, leveraged from a ~$4k investment, not only gaining 4.7% over $FTM (c.f. @staderlabs) intrinsically, but @GranaryFinance is also paying 2.5% in $SD yields.

I can now run my daily @GranaryFinance report.

What does this report mean?

Let's look at two data-points:

net FTM δ: 1,840.43
days in market: 20

This means I'm making ~92 $FTM



from a 20k $FTM investment.

But keep reading my reports and doing nothing for the next 7 years. I want all the gains for myself.

Let's do the daily blockchains report.

Investment by BlockChain: 2022-12-23

invested: $76,527.08
value: $66,798.15
ROI: -12.71%

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