Saturday, June 1, 2024

2024-05-28 Kujira FIN order books: PnL

Let's do the @TeamKujira FIN, ORCA, ... and now, – PLOT TWIST! – @Manta_DAO DEX trades.

Let's see if ./pnl handles this addition of @Manta_DAO this month gracefully. 

2024-05-28 @TeamKujira PnL Analysis

Number of days traded: 12
Average number of trades/day: 1.92
Average PnL/day: -$2.981

Most active trading day: 2024-05-15 with 4 trades, pnl: $16.259
Most profitable trading day: 2024-05-28 with 2 trades, pnl: $402.941
Least profitable trading day: 2024-05-05 with 1 trades, pnl: -$627.972

Team Kujira assets in play on FIN, 2024-06-01 

total asset value: $44,621.35 

2024-05-28 Kujira FIN pnl vs. trades

Most profitable asset traded: wETH->wstETH for $273.698
Most lossy asset traded: qcMNTA->MNTA for -$627.972

2024-05-28 @TeamKujira FIN order books: PnL

Profit: $602.105
Loss: $637.880
subtotal: -$35.775
fees: $0.520
commission: $3.234
total costs: $3.754

Total profit (or loss): -$39.529 on 23 trades
average: -$1.719 per trade

3 liquidations at a 0.08% premium (avg)


So, I lost ~$30 on @TeamKujira trading May, 2024?


Let's look at the report more closely:

See that loss of ~$600 $qcMNTA -> $MNTA?

I GAINED (not lost) 40 $MNTA, ROI: 3%; 8.7% APR

Why the ~$600 loss, then?

I'm using Average Cost Basis for pricing

Using Average Cost Basis, I show a $600-LOSS on that qc->$MNTA trade (that was a gain), COVERING $600 in gains I made in trades elsewhere.

I report a loss to the IRS, while actually making more than $600 this month.

And THAT, my frenz, is why your record-keeping must be SOLID!

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