Saturday, June 1, 2024

Why am I 'in it'?

So, the obvious question is: "why?"

Why am I 'in it' if 'in it' is all this work?

I'm not doing all this work for naught, folks.

What is the worth of my work? What is my vision?

I have a dream, but, more than that: I have a goal, and I have a plan, because, one day: ...

What if I were to tell you that I'm making anywhere from 5% to 40% per pivot using EMA20 indicators? That measure is ROI,...annualized that turns into 100%, 200%, 


What if I were to tell you that? 

I mean: besides the fact that I DO tell you that in my daily reports.

What if I were to tell you that I'm working on a process of automating data-collection, -analyses, then, eventually, trade-execution, that allows me to move on these 51 EMA20 pivot-arbs with one simple button-push?

But I do tell you that: ... in my #cryptocurrency pop-quizzes.

What if I were to tell you that I'm BUIDL'n a protocol where you can invest in

  • one
  • some
  • or all, if you stake in the protocol

of these 51 pivot-arb tactics?

... with the protocol token I'll launch?

So, you won't NEED to reBUIDL everything I did. You can stake into it.

A tactic isn't an xy=k liquidity pool. There's no impermanent loss. When done correctly, there's no permanent loss.

The ETH/BTC EMA20 trading tactic clearly shows BUIDL'n $ETH from $BTC and BUIDL'n $BTC from $ETH.

There's permanent gains.

I've seen it: 5% to 40% per pivot.

Folks, why am I 'in it'?

Because I have a dream. I dream of 51 pivots activated daily at 8 am, earning 100%, 200%, 2000% annualized,

... and then I live my life for the rest of my day with the ones I love.

I have a dream to share this, with you.

I'm 'in it' to win. #WAGMI 

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