Wednesday, July 20, 2022

GranaryFinance tour


@DeFinalFantasy showcased @GranaryFinance and asked me to take a look. So: I took a look. Here's what I see. 

Caveat: I'm not getting compensated for this, or for any reviews I have done for any protocol. This is just a share-out. You do with it what you like.

@GranaryFinance started on Fantom blockchain. It's a money market that offers the standard protocol tokens at standard-ish yields, following the @AaveAave-model.

n.b.: Borrow yields are LOAN yields, NOT what they pay you in their token! (because they currently don't have one)

If you look at the Fantom blockchain yields (previous tweet), they're, I have to say, pretty meh. That's to be expected, I suppose: it's pretty chill on Fantom, I gather, and @GranaryFinance has been there a while.

Yields start to get interesting in other blockchains.

Let's switch to another blockchain: Optimism ...

Is the Optimism blockchain filled with hopium? Asking for a friend.

ANYWAY: You switch blockchains by selecting the current blockchain (upper right), then picking the one you want to go to: Optimism

This is easy to miss at first.

... easy to miss, but so worth going to, because $OP SUPPY on Optimism is currently paying out 89%!

So, if you're on Optimism, and want to make a cool 89% in a money market, you can find this on @GranaryFinance! WOOT! 

89% fam. 😎

But: that's not all. Let's continue the tour.

The tour isn't all roses: for the Harmony blockchain, @GranaryFinance has disabled both SUPPLY and BORROW sides.

You may want to look again, however, in five days or so.

A little bird told me that. 

I'm not even going the Ethereum blockchain. Personal preference. I believe if I were to die and go to hell, I wouldn't be able to tell the difference from transactions on the Ethereum blockchain: slow as hell and expensive as hell: if it walks like a duck, ...

... but you do you.

Finally, we wrap up with Avalanche blockchain, 

with HOLY SH!RT-yields of:

* 11% on $DAI.e and
* 17.5% on $WBTC.e

Yields I cannot find, neither on @AaveAave nor on @BenqiFinance.

Good show, @GranaryFinance on Avalanche! 

The. End. 

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