Friday, July 7, 2023

Governance: your vote matters. A pensée

SO glad that HUGE majority of people who voted to make $UNI a minting asset on @TeamKujira have minted $USK with that.

To date 0.0 $USK has been minted with $UNI collateral.

SO glad. 🙄

Your vote means something. What you do with the thing you voted for means something, too.

Here's a thought.

Instead of cluttering the blockchain with things NOBODY EVER is going to use, why don't you bear down and use the resources – the underutilized resources – that are already there?

You know: make what's there work before adding the kitchen sink of what doesn't?

Your vote matters. A lot. It matters a lot more than people who don't vote (DON't get me started).

If you vote FOR something that you have no intention of using, then: you're part of why 80% of @TeamKujira is just dust and echos and ISN'T WORKING.

DON't tell me you voted to help 'somebody else.'

Fren: YOU are that somebody else.

if you voted for it, YOU make it work. Because nobody else is somebody else. You are.

Oh, and p.s.: 

Oh, look. The UNI/USK order book, more than week after it was activated.

0 bids
0 asks
0 24-hour volume

You voted FOR this order book because... you are an active $UNI trader and are so excited to activate your $UNI potential on @TeamKujira blockchain.

Right 🙄

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