Tuesday, January 23, 2024

My @SumoKuji vault report, 2024-01-23


My $ASTRO buy-order hit on @TeamKujira FIN. This is one of the open-quotes @SumoKuji coins close-quote.

So that means: it's time for my daily vault report! YAY! 

Folks, there are (many?) different ways to look at a market tumble.

Me? I love it when the markets go down: bargains present themselves to me on @TeamKujira FIN and ORCA, then leverage via @Levana_protocol and @NolusProtocol.

As a trader, use a market downturn to your advantage

My @SumoKuji vault report, 2024-01-23

current value: $4,497.62
still to acquire: $4,500.22
vault target value: $94,629.94

  • undervalued assets: $KUJI $LUNA $NSTK $ROAR $FUZN $MNTA

The Business

Would you look at that!

I bought $qcKUJI on @TeamKujira FIN for 1.005, below the market value of 1.013 on @Quark_Protocol.

The question becomes, can I make 3 $KUJI back, faster on FIN than if I unstake it on @Quark_Protocol over 14 days.

I think the answer is "Yes." Let's see.

Infinite KUJI well

That said, there is a LOT of $qcKUJI on sale below @Quark_Protocol exchange rate on @TeamKujira FIN.

You can create an 'infinite $KUJI well':

  1. buy $quKUJI on FIN
  2. unstake on @Quark_Protocol; wait 14 days
  3. buy $quKUJI BELOW EXCHANGE RATE with that claimed $KUJI
  4. loop
At the current δ of 1.0055 on @TeamKujira FIN to the exchange rate of 1.013 on @Quark_Protocol, you're making 3 $KUJI on 200 $KUJI looped this way over 14 days.

ROI: 1.5%, 40% APR

40% APR to loop an asset, like $KUJI, is pretty sweet! And it's way better than lending on Ghost.

Okay, does selling $qcKUJI, or $qcMNTA (which I also have), on FIN, ... work?

Looking at $qcMNTA's recent trades, I have to say: no!

Certainly on $qcKUJI board, there's enough buys to buy tokens low, but they can't be sold back, in a reasonable time nor price, on either board.

In that case: WAT DO?


I'll unstake $qcKUJI on @Quark_Protocol, and try an infinite KUJI well.

Let's see how that works over a month or so: do I start to print $KUJI, or is it meh?

THEN, after that experiment, I may look at $qcMNTA, but I'll leave that for now.

Please note, however, that the transaction fees are no joke at 0.32 $KUJI to unstake $qcKUJI on @Quark_Protocol. That's a full 10% of that $KUJI-gain!

For this experiment to be viable, really 1.94k $qcKUJI (yielding a 30 $KUJI net gain) should be at play for each unstake. 🥺😳



I have a VERY SPECIFIC and VERY OPTIONAL question.

Is $STARS going to go up? Or, more specifically: is $STARS going to go up more than 5% this year?

If no: then keep $STARS in Ghost and earn 5% APR.


But if yes, ...? ... as @SumoKuji says it will 25x?


I ask this question for several reasons.

1) Is $STARS a token that retains or grows value? If so, do you want more of it?

2) if so, how do you get more $STARS?

This applies to any token of value (http://logicalgraphs.blogspot.com/2022/03/value-dialog.html), but I single out $STARS here for a specific play.

Why $STARS? Well, FRIST, how to you get more of your token of value?

1. buy more (obvie)
2. arb it
3. stake, say, 2600 $KUJI to earn 1 $STARS every 10 days (ick?)

But there's a specific play for $STARS:

... 4. lease $STARS on @NolusProtocol 

And 4. is what I'll address here.

So, I'm going to make this leveraged play as an experiment, 'outside' the Sumo vault addy, but, if this experiment succeeds, I'm so going to use it for growing my Sumo vault, so: ... yeah.

The liquidity I use for this experiment is an old stSTARS-STARS LP I have on @osmosiszone 

I swap the $stSTARS to $STARS on @osmosiszone, after checking the 17 day-burn on @stride_zone: the swap is comperable to a long-burn, so I go with the swap.

I IBC the $STARS to @StargazeZone 

...then IBC that liquidity there to @TeamKujira.

What's my gameplan? It's covered in this youtube: I'm leasing $STARS on Nolus.

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