Wednesday, May 29, 2024

2024-05-28 ETHBTC Trading

Let's turn our attention to ETH/BTC pivot-trading.

The ETH/BTC-EMA20 says SELL, and I have $ETH to sell to $BTC.

Let's see how this plays out.

Before I do that, I claim $wstETH on @TeamKujira FIN at 1.16-per-$wETH, which is a good buy, as the exchange rate on @LidoFinance is 1.167.

I then place the very reasonable sell-order back on FIN at 11.1-per, as that's the lowest asking price. Eheh. πŸ”₯πŸ˜…

So! My ETHBTC-calculator says:

  • ETH: 1.44556 trade: 0.09356267365 / $359.81 to 0.00526354565 BTC

So! I 

  1. withdraw that amount of $ETH from @TeamKujira Ghost, 

  1. swap to $BTC on @Manta_DAO, 

  1. lend the $BTC on Ghost 

  1. to bid for liquidated $KUJI on ORCA



Meanwhile, I've accumulated $NLS-yields on @NolusProtocol Earn-page. I collect those yields. I see the swap is better on @osmosiszone, so I IBC my $NLS over to @osmosiszone and swap to $USDC.axl there. 

I ship the $axlUSDC (or, as they call it: $USDC.axl) to @TeamKujira, which involves me seeding my @axelarnetwork wallet addy with some $AXL then hopping my $USDC from osmosis -> axelar -> kujira, because that's how it's gotta be: complicated af to keep grandma off the blockchain.

Let's finish up this report from yesterday.

I got so p.o.'d from the $axlUSDC being '$USDC.axl' and needing two hops with an $AXL-seed to fund transfers to and from @axelarnetwork, that never finished the report-piece of the ETHBTC-trade 🧡


I move the $USDC.axl to @TeamKujira Ghost then immediately bid on liquidated $PAXG on ORCA with it. With the $BTC I swapped to from $ETH, I Ghost-ORCA bid it for liquidated $KUJI. 

If neither bid hits, I'm still making 48% APR on the lent $USDC.axl and a with bit with the $BTC.

2024-05-28 ETHBTC Trading 

incept date: 2024-05-28 

$824.34 traded on FIN 
$4,883.31 ORCA bids 
$0.00 BLUE minters 
$4,082.8433 Ghost money market 
$303.993 Nolus leases 
$0.00 Levana perpetuals 
$12.37 reserves 

invested: $10,144.06 
valuation: $10,106.86 

ROI: -0.37% / 0.00% APR 

Hard Reset

I'm doing a hard-reset on this portfolio: I got entangled with $BTC I borrowed when it was $18k-per.

I was like: "Hey: why not? It's never going up." πŸ₯ΊπŸ˜­

So, after incorporating the blue chips of $BNB (that, very nicely, went 3x up) and $PAXG, and a rebalance, I start over.

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