Tuesday, May 28, 2024

2024-05-28 Latest ERIS and Backbone Labs LSD exchange rates

Latest @eris_protocol and @BackBone_Labs LSD exchange rates up for 2024-05-28


(currently recorded by hand)

* ampWHALE exchange rate LESS THAN yesterday

** arbWHALE exchange rate same as yesterday

*** ampKUJI exchange rate same last 2 days!

Analyzing these exchange rates over time has shown me some things:

  1. @eris_protocol has had daily issues with their exchange rates for two weeks straight.
  2. $ampWHALE REVERSED! But $bWHALE did NOT. Is @eris_protocol vetting validators they choose well?
  3. Liquid-staking $KUJI, $ROAR, and $WHALE are poor investment choices, but STAKING $ampROAR and $ampWHALE are good choices. This reflects poorly on @eris_protocol but well on @Migaloo_Zone.
  4. $arbLUNA is performing WORSE than $ampLUNA? How is that possible? This is not good.
So, @eris_protocol: why are you having consistent problems with your amp-tokens exchange rates? Why is $arbLUNA underperforming $ampLUNA consistently recently? What is your roadmap to address and to rectify these issues?

If you don't fix these issues, I'll withdraw my investment.

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