Sunday, May 19, 2024

Cryptocurrency pop-quiz: realizing metadata as data in a graph

Looking at the answer to the previous #cryptocurrency pop-quiz ("What's my $ETH position?") leaves something to be desired, particularly, a CASE-statement in graph query always, always, always means you're creating a metagraph of the graph.

Creating a meta-graph is all well and good for a quick-n-dirty solution, and that's fine for some.

Not for me.

#cryptocurrency pop-quiz

Create a (meta-)mapping of token-types to tokens, e.g.: 'blue chip' to $BTC, 'stable' to $USDC, etc.

Then, upload that meta-data as a graph.

Part II, pop-quiz:

When you've realized these metadata as data, rewrite the query to entail this embedded knowledge.

Show your work and results.

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