Wednesday, September 14, 2022

LOOPr: Looping assets on money markets

Okay, first of all: what is looping?

We loop an asset when we borrow, say $USDC, then 'loop' that borrow to the supply-side, which frees up the borrow-side, which we borrow, then use that borrow to supply.

Thus we ... [wait for it] ... LOOP!

Okay, but: how much are the looped asset worth?

Shocker: ... the looped asset is worth nothing.

The looped asset is both supplied, but then borrowed, δneutral. right? So the borrow cancels out the supply and the net asset value is 0.

That's why I have rules about δneutral and looped assets.

Rule #1: say goodbye to the looped asset.

It's not yours anymore, you've just looped your asset out of existence.

So, ... why would you do such a thing?


Okay, for those who missed this 🧵:

Great narration on looping, what it is, cautions, and guidance.



Olde el geophf has one more trick to point out here.


Okay, and that 1 more trick is: what if you have a really low collateralization, but you don't have assets to pre-fund your borrow? Wat do?

We borrow anyway, then loop the borrow to en-δneutral-ify the position. Let's watch this play out.

Step 1: I superfund my $sAVAX position.

Now, also, or step 2: I have a TON of $USDC lying around, instead of looping it all, I'm going to convert all but 1000 $USDC to $AVAX to fund the QI-AVAX LP farm (so, also 50% of the $AVAX is swapped to $QI).

Why not the whole amount? 🤔

Because I have ... planzzzzz! 😈

Leaving the planzzzzz aside for the moment, after supplying $sAVAX and staking QI-AVAX LP farm, this is our 'ground zero':

  • 67.6% LTV ('loan to value')
  • Supply: $29,886.73
  • Borrow: $15,619.72

Now, I want to maximize LTV (why?) and minimize risk of liquidation.

Loop fits this well.

So, we loop. What is the loop?


  • I BORROW 95% $USDC (lowest borrow rate for highest distribution rate)

  • I SWAP ONLY 1000 $USDC to $DAI.e on @traderjoe_xyz (to keep slippage tolerable)

  • I SUPPLY that $DAI.e to @BenqiFinance 

Repeat 2 and 3 until all borrowed funds are supplied.

Note two things on the SWAP to $DAI.e then SUPPLY.

1. Why $DAI.e? At 85% collateralization, the highest of any token, even losing $12 in the swap (WHICH REALLY HURTS!), means I'm GAINING MUCH MORE in collateral-coverage


But, yes: the net APY is getting nicer at 1.59% now 

... but ...

the REAL APY on your underlying funds is getting:

NIZE at 8.38%. 😎

This is the power of leverage, folks.

Real APY calculator available here.

The last part of the SUPPLY, and where do I stand?

LTV: 67% -> 77% SWEET!

... and that's why I borrowed 95%, because, from experience, I know refunding on supply brings me back down to ~80%.

net APY: 1.68%, REAL APY: 6.79% SWEET!

Leverage: $46k -> $57k WOW!

One more thing. Perhaps two.

So, I shipped ~10 $sAVAX to my alt. wallet to experiment on looping, but this thread addressed that, so I'm shipping it back and SUPPLYing it here on @BenqiFinance 

The second thing is a learned a good, hard lesson about stable coin swaps on @CurveFinance.

So, I SUPPLY ~100 $DAI.e to @BenqiFinance money market to return my stable coin positions to δneutral.

And with that, we settle our @BenqiFinance position on 2022-09-15 thusly.

"Thusly," is actually a word.

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