Saturday, May 14, 2022

Avalanche Tour

This is interesting.

On the Avalanche blockchain, on @BenqiFinance, there are several BORROW positions that are paying NET-POSITIVE $QI yields.

They are: $LINK.e, $USDC, $USDt, $WBTC.e, $WETH.e

Infinite $AVAX well

I am burning 1 $sAVAX to feed my infinite $AVAX well, BUT! lookie, here! I have 1 $AVAX to claim from said infinite well! Let's claim it and do the math. #EXCITE 🔥

This is the $AVAX-claim page where we claim the $AVAX from our infinite $AVAX well.

Okay. Claimed. Now, let's go to trade it to $sAVAX, looking for arbitrage.


Our infinite $AVAX well tells me we have another claim coming in 1 hour. Let's hold off claiming this first one and claim both, saving a wee bit on transaction fees.

See y'all Avalancheans in an hour or so. 

... (an hour or so later, after my calming walk).

Okay, NOW we collect the 2ish $AVAX from the infinite $AVAX well.

So, $sAVAX earns 7%, just sitting there, so our arb, or other vehicle must make more than that to be worth it.

SO! Let's explore these options, shall we? 



Well, what is this low-bar? Restake. What does that look like?

1. STAKE 2 $AVAX -> 1.97 $sAVAX on @BenqiFinance to earn 7.2%

The problem is we started from 2 $sAVAX, so we're going in the wrong direction with simply a restake.

Supply for $QI Yields

Now, let's explore alternatives. You can supply $AVAX at ~2% or $sAVAX at 8% $QI yield.

Neither are super-juicy for me, but we can do that.


Next, let's look at arbitrage. It does, indeed, exist. Here are the $AVAX -> $sAVAX trades on @traderjoe_xyz,  @Platypusdefi, and @pangolindex.

The best arb is on @traderjoe_xyz rn, but what is that arb? How will I find it?

SPREADSHEETS! ... (of course).

*I go oft to create it

Okay, our SPREADSHEET says that tiny, little arb ...

has a 77.70% annualized gainzorxen?!?!???!!


Arbitrage computation.

Are we done? ... well, kinda. Let's look at other $AVAX options before we commit to this one. There may be something better.

One more thing to check before we take arbitrage, and that is AVAX-pools.

  • On @traderjoe_xyz is the sAVAX-AVAX pool, 4%
  • On @pangolindex is the AVAX-QI pool (NOT farm), because:
  • On @BenqiFinance, you stake the AVAX-QI pool, 61%

Arbitrage looks best. Let's do that.

The arbitrage, when the dust settled, was:
  • SWAP 2 $AVAX -> 2.002 $sAVAX on @pangolindex
for a 75.92% annualized gain.

Now we have 2+ newly minted $sAVAX. I'm going to stake these into the @BenqiFinance supply at 8% until I put them into the infinite $AVAX well.

The. End.

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