Thursday, May 12, 2022



Hey, folks, I'm rekt.

Let's face things squarely. $LUNA is at sh-tcoin prices. But is $LUNA a sh-tcoin now?

Some of you'll say 'yes,' and wash your hands of the whole affair. And that's fair.

But what if.

But what if the answer is 'no'?

I'll explore the latter option, folks.

Why can I explore the latter option?

Because I'm rekt.

If there's no salvageable position, then I have freedom to explore any option, and if it doesn't work? I'm still rekt.

So. What.

I have complete freedom now. I like it.

I'm rekt. And I'm free.

See you in the reports.


I'm liquidating myself in @mirror_protocol.

This'll hurt.

But @mirror_protocol is capital-preserving, and now is not that time. Now is the time to strike while the iron is molten lava on the floor.

Bye, @mirror_protocol. I loved ye well. 😢

Steps for liquidating below.

Okay, let's liquidate $mDOT δNeutral position and see what comes out of it.

Step 1: On @mirror_protocol observe the shorted amount: 0.75 $mDOT 

Step 2: Withdraw that amount from your @SpecProtocol or @ApolloDAO. 

You may need to play around as the autocompounder may leave you with excess that you can grow for when the markets returns to sanity.

So, I'll leave like $5 or whatever minimum I can on the short side, too. 🤔

Step 3: cover the short with the $mDOT from the vault.

Step 4: record how much we recovered. 

On the short-side we got 9.4 $aUST
On the long-side (check back one tweet), we received 8.4 $UST

Worth it?

Nah. Transaction fees summed to ~$1.50. Let's liquidate the big fish first.

So we're not going to go with $mDOT (now), but this was instructive. Always try something with a smol amount FRIST!

So, procedure established. Now let's do this procedure on the big fish, which are: $mHOOD, $mNIO, $mNVDA, $mMSFT, and then the smaller fish come in.

Okay, so, let's start with those four mirrored assets. I have 0 savings ($aUST) and 10 $UST

... and I'm so tired. Got this head-cold thing going on, and a cough triggering an acute headache.


OKAY! SOLDIER ON! Let's SNARF the assets and see where we end with our savings.

First, biggest asset: $mHOOD

Short-side farm: 14.5 $mHOOD, 190 $aUST
Long-side vault: We'll take out 14.3 $mHOOD

Savings earned: 179 $aUST, 133 $UST

I was going to keep positions open, but I see they're charging a closing/adjustment fee, anyway, so I'll just close them going forward.

1 comment:

  1. Wont take long to get back up, life is a cycle. I'm going to follow your blog!
