Okay, the answer to Rust quiz 01: greet
Q: May you kindly review this answer and show how it does what it does, el geophf?
A: yes. 😎
Line 1:
// be nice to somebody, or ... somebodies, you know?
Q: What is Line 1?
A: A comment
Q: What does Line 1 do?
A: nothing
Q: Why put comments in code when they do nothing?
A1: no reason, comments are oftentimes wildly out-of-date and inaccurate.
A2: because I'm NICE! 😎
Line 3:
use std::env;
Q: What does Line 3 do?
A: imports the std::env library
Q: What for?
A: so we can use the env functions in our code (see Line 6)
Line 5:
fn main() {
Q: What does Line 5 do?
A: Creates a function, main().
Q: What is main() for?
A: This is the function run when the program is compiled.
Q: Why?
A: I don't answer 'why'-questions.
Line 6:
let args: Vec<_> = env::args().collect();
Q: Whoa!
A: Don't panic. Let's break this down.
Q: What does let do?
A: Creates a variable.
Q: What does Vec<_> mean?
A: That is the type for the variable, args: a vector.
Q: What is the rest?
A: it collects the command-line arguments and assigns them to the variable, args.
Line 7:
let (_, names) = args.split_at(1);
Q: What the ...?
A: Be cool. This is a tuple-assignment.
Q: What does a tuple-assignment do?
A: Assigns two variables to two values at the same time.
Q: Neat!
A: Innit?
Q: What is the first variable: '_'?
A: That's called the "don't care" variable.
Q: Why?
A: Remember: I don't answer 'why'-questions.
Q: Oh. Okay. What does the "don't care" variable mean?
A: It means that I don't care what this particular value is: I'm not going to use it.
Q: What is that first value that you're discarding?
A: The program name (in this case: "greet").
Q: Oh. What is the second value?
A: The arguments to the program on the command line. So, if we typed:
$ ./greet Mary Sue
- _ would be ["greet"] and
- names would be ["Mary", "Sue"]
Line 9:
match names.len() {
Q: I think I get it. Line 9 matches the number of names to what happens below, right?
A: Correctamundo! 🎉 There are lots of ways to match in Rust. They have a whole section on matching.
Lines 10-11:
0 => { println!("Whom?"); }_ => {
Q: I get that line 10 matches a 0-length to printing "Whom?", but what does line 11 mean?
A: The _-match pattern is the "don't care" match. It matches anything.
Q: Ah. Okay, back to line 10: why does println have a "!" following it?
A: That means that println isn't a function but a macro.
Q: What's the difference between a function and a macro in Rust?
A: Fair question! For now we can treat them as the same thing, but there's a whole section in the Rust manual that discusses macros and their purposes.
Lines 12-14:
for name in names {println!("Hello, {}!", name);}
Q: So, ... this loops over all the names, right?
A: Yeup.
Q: What is the "{}" in 13 for?
A: It tells println! where the name is to be placed in the output.
Q: Ah, okay. That's pretty much it, right?
A: Yeup!
Congratulations: your first program! This calls for celebration.
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