Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Bridging USTC onto and off of Harmony and Terra

#dedchain? What's that you say? "Harmony and Terra (classic) (and, tbh, Terra 2.0) are #dedchain"?

Huh: 'ded' for you is very much alive for me.

Let's bridge $USTC onto and off of both Terra (classic) and Harmony.

First, I show I have no $USTC on Harmony. 

Next, I ensure my Terra (station) wallet is on Terra classic, as evidenced by the bright orange bar at the top saying 'Classic.' If not, I can gear-shift it onto Terra classic.

So, yeah: Terra (classic), ... which is the only viable Terra for me. 

To transfer $USTC to Harmony from Terra Classic, we NEED $USTC. Where do I get $USTC?

$MIR yields from @mirror_protocol, of course.

@mirror_protocol has consistently got 100%+ APY through thick and thin. It's the best #cryptocurrency protocol, bar none. Sorry. #notsorry 

I also have some @astroport_fi yields to collect from the locked LPs, so: yay. 

Lock away tens of thousands of dollars, collect yields worth ... checks notes, ... $1.17.

GOOD DEAL! #sarcasm 🙄 


I swap the collected $MIR, $MINE, and $ASTRO to $USTC on @astroport_fi, which has a better swap than @loop_finance (I checked for each).

Then I bridge that $USTC to Harmony using

Let's go to Harmony and generate some $USTC, by generating $ONE.

The $ECHO price continues to fall, but the yields match the price-fall, so... I'm losing my principal for yields?


I collect $ECHO yields and swap that and other assets to $ONE.

This is the state of the Reflectaverse self-funding experiment.

Interesting note, I had LESS $ECHO yields if I collected yesterday but it was worth the SAME as the $USD value I collected today.

The $ECHO yields are dead-in-the-water to the $ECHO price-fall.

Not good. 

Now, let's get that $USTC off Harmony. What $USTC?

  • We SWAP the $ONE to $USTC on @DefiKingdoms 

  • and, ... voilà! We have the $USTC on Terra now. 

What happened to the $USTC I bridged to Harmony back at the beginning of this thread, 1 hour, 19', 27" ago?

I don't know.

It hasn't shown up on Harmony.

Anybody know how to revert a bridge-transaction on that's stuck?

Okay, it's been a while.

Busy day.

I BRIDGE the $USTC from Terra to Avalanche; this $USTC is targeted for my $BTC.b self-loan pay-down.

On Avalanche, 

  • I SWAP the $USTC to $BTC.b on @traderjoe_xyz 

  • then SUPPLY that $BTC.b to @BenqiFinance, paying down my self-loan. 

... which brings our $BTC self-loan pay-down on 2022-08-10 to the following. 

Before we call it a night, there are some $QI yields from the QI-AVAX staked LP to collect. 

My plan for these $QI yields is to

  • SWAP 50% for $AVAX on @pangolindex 

  • SUPPLY the $AVAX and $QI to the @BenqiFinance 

The supplied $AVAX pays-down my self-loan. 

The chart's burn-down doesn't look impressive, ... now, but as we build momentum, you'll start to see impact. 

The @BenqiFinance net asset allocations, 2022-08-10.

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