Sunday, March 10, 2024

Avalanche portfolio 2024-03-10

Okay, let's take a Blockaverse-tour, starting with A-is-for-@avax.

I have two positions on that blockchain, @BenqiFinance and @GMX_IO, both of which have yields.

I collect the yields from both: $105.490 in 9 days.

That's a 1%-...ish ROI, but annualized to a 26-30% APR.


I swap the $QI to $AVAX on @KyberNetwork 

($QI is finna retaining value, now that it's not being issued from the LP like the sky is falling!)

then swap all the $AVAX to $sAVAX to supply to @BenqiFinance. You see that I have 4 'extra' $sAVAX, that's from @ribbonfinance options.

Avalanche portfolio 2024-03-10

total net worth: $38,437.03

total invested: $36,012.09
total debts: -$43,044.61
ROI: 6.73%


It's neat that I've borrowed WAY more than I've invested, AND have a net positive portfolio value.

When you buy $AVAX at $11-per, you can borrow MOAR! 😎

It's really easy to say this, now that $AVAX is up 4x from its doldrums, but I kept investing, even when $AVAX was $17, $16, and rocketing down, with people questioning why I would ever invest in $AVAX.

Welp. This is why I invest in $AVAX: I safe-borrow $AVAX against $sAVAX.

When you ask: "How do you make money in X?"

My answer is: I make my money when the the markets are rock-bottom-awful, but I see the blockchain and protocols are solid, AT rock bottom.

I make my money THEN.

Now I see those gains materialize: this requires courage and patience.

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