Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Avalanche portfolio 2024-04-03

Let's do the @avax-THANG!

The EMA20 indicators for { AVAX/USD, QI/USD, QI/AVAX } are all buy, however, the QI/AVAX buy is at 12% δ.

I'm factoring in the δ, going forward.

That means I trade 1.2 $AVAX for $QI.


And, well, I don't need to get the $AVAX from anywhere, it turns out. As the $AVAX price (and, well, lots of other token-prices) continues to fall, the call changed from BUY to HODL, and that's just what I'll do!

Let's collect the $AVAX-yield from @GMX_IO, anyway. 

Now, if you recall, I did try to move some $ETH from @TeamKujira to @arbitrum to much sadness.

So, I ended up converting that $ETH to a stable, SHIPOORing that stable to @avax, swapping to $AVAX.

Now, I convert that $AVAX to $sAVAX, supply it to @BenqiFinance, then borrow back.

Now I borrowed back the $AVAX to swap to $ETH then bridge to the L2s, @arbitrum and @Optimism, however @KyberNetwork reports a huge slippage ($200 on a $1,200-swap) to both $ETH and $USDC, preventing the swap.

@KyberNetwork why this slippage? When will swaps settle?

I've also noted, with regularity, over periods of days, slippage the other way when I try to swap $QI to $AVAX. 

Avalanche portfolio 2024-04-03

total net worth: $41,690.35
total invested: $37,259.63
total debts: -$50,724.02 / LTV: 63.32% (max 70% LTV)

ROI: 11.89%

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