"Rust in Small Pieces"
Rust Quizzes
- Pop-quiz 1: "Hello, world!"-...ish
- Pop-quiz 2: summer
- Pop-quiz 3: modules
- Pop-quiz 4: goals from real APY
- Data-entry automation pop-quiz
- Pop-quiz: Space... the Final Frontier!
- Bonus-Bonus Rust cryptocurrency quiz: spanning multiplicative stable coin currency graph
- Rust asset allocations
- Rust marketplace
- Rust retrieving order books
- Rust trader, version 2
- Rust order book pretty-printer
- Rust `split_asset`
- Rust average price-quote
- Rust PnL
- Rust date-stamp
- Rust wen good trades?
- Rust assets and their $USD-values
- Rust tab2csv
- Rust recommend only denoted assets (feature enhancement)
- Rust inverse_ratio for order books
- Rust efficacy of trade-paths
- Rust efficacy, ... IMPROVED!
- Rust top 5 trading-paths
- Rust exposed interim trades
- Rust parse_estimate
- Rust best paths across all FIN
- Rust one path only: ./intimate
- Rust gantt chart from trading path
- Rust multilayer gantt charts
- Rust risk assessor
- Rust vern-prime, generalizing efficacious trade-paths, A -> B
- Rust `prices` feature-enhancement
- Rust PnL comprehensive report
- Rust all-paths ./vern
- Rust liquidation reportage
- Rust percentages
- Rust percentage of-function
- Rust plurality
- Rust correct ./pnl fees and commission computations
- Rust sorting Kujira BOW LPs
- Rust teach ./vern, my main man, ./vern, unique paths
- Rust FIN order-book addresses
- Rust ampLUNA/LUNA
- "Synthetic" order books are now integrated into the marketplace ecosystem.
- Rust FIN order book URLs from JSON
- Rust FIN top-5 order books by $USD-volume
- Rust AAVE market data entry
- It turns out that we don't need data-entry for @AaveAave (yet), and that @GranaryFinance, @BenqiFinance, and @GeistFinance all follow (basically) the same format, so: did a wee bit o' generalization to ./data_entry (using scan-windows), and we good.
- Rust sort and print CSV-output
- answer
- Rust sort descending ordering function
- answer
- Rust value of tokens in BLUE wallet
- Rust portfolio treemap visualization
- The voronoi-representation is just as good, isn't it?
- Rust ./burn, baby, ./burn! (answer embedded in the conversation-flow)
- Rust Stride Zone LSD redemption rates
- Rust ./pnl debug data analysis
- Rust coffee (includes answer)
- Rust LSD burn-rates
- Rust FIN order book trade
- Rust Infinite Stride LSD Wells
- Rust use REST endpoint
- Rust systemic git-integration
- Rust archive data using git
- Rust Eris protocol amp-LSD burn arbitrage
- answer
- Rust parsing Kujira numbers
- Rust finding and parsing dates in ORCA liquidations
- Rust infinite lists with bonus
- Rust init() on lists
- Rust PnL reportage on Kujira trades
- Rust fix Top x-reports
- Rust PnL daily trading analysis
- Rust limit display of Kujira FIN order books
- Rust Voronoi Color Palette
- Rust simplify parsing lines of data
- Rust charting: Venn Diagramsdd
- Rust: correct Kujira order book volumes
- answer, part I: correct token-pricing
- answer, part II: accurate order book volumes
- Rust: enHTMLTablify data rows
- Rust: totaling rows of data in reports
- Rust: one_line
- Rust: my Kujira portfolio prices
- answer
- Rust: last updated date on Kujira prices
- Rust: portfolio-as-ontology
- Rust: intersecting domains on deployed liquidity
- Rust: Kujira Ghost x-token exchange-rates reporter
- answer
- Rust: Read from Kujira Oracle REST endpoint
- answer
- Rust: transpose matrix or spreadsheet
- Rust: query Terra swagger endpoint
Crypto Pop Quizzes
- sAVAX: unstake or supply?
- sJOE USDC yields on TraderJoe
- Stable coin currency swaps
- Funding Tron from Avalanche
- Math quiz: KUJIATOM profit ratio
- (answer)
- Math quiz: ATOMKUJI, selling KUJI
- (answer)
- Math APY quiz for AAVE
- (answer)
- Where to reinvest yields?
- Apportioning liquidity for Mirror LP yield farms
- Kujira FIN marketplace-as-a-graph
- Kujira 100 KUJI trade / trade-back
- Fantom Opera 3Pool on Geist
- Graph Kujira axlUSDC-to-USK paths
- Graph Kujira ATOM / OSMO paths and vice versa
- Math sAVAX-AVAX LP farms
- Cryptocurrency: ETHBTC chart from TradingView
- Cryptocurrency: BTCETH with daily USDC-prices
- Graph Kujira FIN: remove high-risk order books
- FIN order book volumes
- FIN DOT prices
- FIN 100 KUJI for 5.16 ATOM: fair trade?
- FIN 5 LP KUJI-ATOM for 20 ATOM: fair trade?
- Infinite FTM well
- ETHBTC: trade which for which?
- ETHBTC: the problem of 'AVG.'
- Apportioning ETH and BTC
- ETHBTC proportional swaps
- answer
- KUJI/LOCAL (and bonus)
- KUJI/stATOM (and arbitrage bonus)
- ATOM best price
- KUJI best price
- MNTA best price
- Price variances for KUJI, MNTA, ATOM, and LUNA
- answer
- Map Blockaverse portfolio
- Mapping Domains to protocols
- "How much $ETH do I have?"
- Realizing metadata as data
- Add stTIA to lsd configuration file
- answer
- bonus: configure branch of lsd-configuration file
- $KART Kujira PILOT sale
- $KART fair market value
- Math: 2x = 9
Hi, Mom!
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