Friday, March 25, 2022

SH!Tcoin Red Flags

Signs you're looking at a SH!Tcoin.

Not something I enjoy writing, but I must so as to remind myself.

  1. The coin is priced 0.00000033824
  2. The coin doesn't come up on a major DEX, even with the token ID.
  3. The coin's LPs are with other coins you've never heard of.
The problems with looking at a SH!Tcoin.

  1. "Oh, but if this goes up..."
  2. You're so high on hopium, you make Ἴκαρος a low-flier
  3. You HODL, because it can't go any lower, can it? (spoiler: it does).
  4. You're their pre-beta testers... for them... for your money.

So, go ahead: invest in this SH!Tcoin. I can't stop you, but:

  1. If a coin has value, it'll have value tomorrow and next year. Let OTHER PEOPLE test the first 3 crashes for you.
  2. A SH!Tcoin is a SH!Tcoin is a SH!Tcoin, and your hopium money won't change that.

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