Friday, March 11, 2022

Terra: Team Kujira Liquidation fulfillment bids

Did you know that you can earn interest on @TeamKujira $aUST bids?

First of all, what's @TeamKujira ?

@TeamKujira is several things, but I'll focus on its liquidation fulfillment system today, and how you can earn interest bidding on liquidation fulfillments.

So! Liquidations occur on @anchor_protocol when loans exceed maximum LTV. How are these loan liquidations fulfilled? Before it used to be whales that would snipe in and buy the liquidated $LUNA or $bETH at a high premium. @TeamKujira has an alternative.

What @TeamKujira offers is a bidding system, where anyone can make a bid on a liquidation fulfillment, and when your bid satisfies the requirements – TADA! – you just fulfilled a loan liquidation: here's your $LUNA or $bETH! 

I like this system. I like it a lot. Why? It allows you and me, the little guys in crypto, to buy $LUNA or $bETH at a discount AND when it's at a low, too!


But what's not so sweet about it, is you bid your $UST and you wait. And wait. It's just sitting there.

So, @TeamKujira came up with a plan that fixes this issue. Instead of bidding with $UST, they now have an option to bid with $aUST.

"So what?" sez you.

I'm glad you asked that question, but first, let's load up our @anchor_protocol EARN to have some $aUST on hand.

Side note: you see I load my @anchor_protocol EARN on @TeamKujira $aUST tab. Why? The fees are much lower via @TeamKujira, that's all. You can deposit in either place: the money still ends up in @anchor_protocol EARN. #PSA 


... let's bid. Obvie.

How does bidding work? It's really easy, actually. You select a premium rate you're willing to bid on, you select $aUST, and fill in how much you want to bid.


Now, when you place your bid, you're asked which tier you want to place it, depending on the riskiness of the loan. It defaults to high-risk loans, which is cool (I'm all about liquidating high-risk loans), but you can change that value, if you wish.

That was a bid on bonded $LUNA, but you can also bid on $bETH, by selecting that collateral-type. Let's bid on $bETH liquidation fulfillments, too.

Okay, so now you have bids (we can talk bidding strategies later), which brings us back to your "So what?"-question.

The 'So what?' is that if you scroll down to the next panel, you see that these bids are 'Interest Earning'-bids. What does this mean?

So, this 'Interest Earning' is a double-happiness:

  1. When the bid is fulfilled, you get discounted $LUNA or $bETH! YAY! 
  2. But when not, your bid is EARNING INTEREST NOW! WOOT!

It's the bank, but ACTIVE, baybee! 😎

You can check all your bids in the aUST-tab.

That's it. Yay!

Now, a note on sniping strategy. I'll tell you mine:

I need more $LUNA.

That's my strategy. So I bid *under* everybody else's bid, because I need more $LUNA: which I get at low price (because that's when liquidations occur) and a discount.

Oh, and p.s.: while writing this, my bid fulfilled another $LUNA liquidation, because @TeamKujira is awesome!

The. End. 

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