Monday, December 18, 2023

BUIDL'n positions with DOUBLE-leveraging

Growing an asset with ... wait for it:

DOUBLE leverage using minted $USK from @TeamKujira BLUE then @Levana_protocol.

What am I talking about, and how does this work?

First of all, @Levana_protocol has oodles of crypto that you can leverage using (real) $USDC as collateral.

For this example, I'm going to demonstrate with $DOT (actually $axlDOT), but you can use any token that mints $USK on @TeamKujira BLUE.

What's the plan?

  1. I mint $USK with $DOT
  2. I swap to $USDC on FIN
  3. I IBC the $USDC to @osmosiszone via @noble_xyz
  4. I supply 50% of the $USDC to the DOT/USDC LP on @Levana_protocol
  5. The other 50% of the $USDC I take (or reinforce) a pair of leveraged $DOT positions (LONG and SHORT).
    That's the setup to establish a pair of leveraged $DOT positions on @Levana_protocol, funded with $USDC.

    Then, I wait and let the markets do their THANG!
    • markets go up, I close the long, I take the profit, transfer that back to @TeamKujira and (slowly but surely) burn the $USK-mint.
    • markets go down, vice versa (close the short, that is, and profit that way).
    Now, what do I do after I close the leveraged position? and why do I only start with half the liquidity in the leveraged positions?

    I'll explain both. FIRST, let's walk through what we've already covered, step-by-step, THEN go into my "how to make money with leverage"-strategy.

    1. Mint $USK with X on @TeamKujira BLUE.

    For this example, my X is $DOT. I mint 200 $USK from 100 $DOT.
    1. Buy (real) $USDC with $USK on @TeamKujira FIN

    Why? Because @Levana_protocol uses (real) $USDC as collateral, not $USK, sadly.

    ... huh. Leveraged $USK perpetuals, anyone?


    tip: this order book is easy to find when you select the 'USDC'-tab on FIN.

    I 'zone-hop' the $USDC from @TeamKujira to @osmosiszone via @noble_xyz using IBC.

    Why? I could bridge using @squidrouter or Satellite, but the IBC zone-hops are commission-free, and those bridges are using IBC anyway.

    Why pay someone else to do something you can do for free?

    4. I supply half the $USDC liquidity to the DOT/USDC LP on @Levana_protocol 

    Why? One good reason is that it's paying 100% APR.

    But that's not why I do this.

    Why I do this has to do with my approach to BUIDL'n a 'reasonable' spread of $DOT leveraged positions.

    Let me explain.

    But before I explain, let's have a working example.

    With the remaining $USDC liquidity, I place both a 5xLONG and 5xSHORT for $DOT on @Levana_protocol. 

    These positions are around $6.7-per.

    Is this a reasonable spot for $DOT?

    Kinda yes.

    But I'll let my strategy guide me.

    Finally, we get to my current approach with leveraged trading that works particularly well on @Levana_protocol, as they allow you to have multiple long and short positions open at the same time (unlike @GMX_IO).

    So I have (only)

    5xLONG at $6.7; 50 $USDC
    5xSHORT at $6.7; 50 $USDC

    Attenuating the Extremes

    Let's say $DOT goes to $7.  I close the long.

    I send the profit back to @TeamKujira to burn the $USK.

    Now: I open

    5xLONG at $7; 12.5 $USDC
    5xSHORT at $7; 37.5 $USDC

    WHAAA??? am I doing here?!?!

    My philosophy is centrist-...ish with leveraged trading.

    I EMPHASIZE the center, so when I open positions at the zenith or nadir, I DEEMPHASIZE those peaks.

    My positions are now 

    5xLONG at $7; 12.5 $USDC
    5xSHORT at $7; 37.5 $USDC
    5xSHORT at $6.7; 50 $USDC

    What if $DOT goes up forever?

    I keep attenuating the zenith, and I eventually lose my bottom short.

    You CAN place a stop-loss if you hate the idea of losing that entirely. I hate the idea of quitting a perpetual that would catch a snap-down in price, more.

    You do you.

    Can $DOT go up 'forever'? SURE CAN!

    But that's why I pick crypto I have a pretty good feel for. I mean: $AVAX is my go-to, but even it surprised me by rocketing up from, what? $18-per to the mid-$40s?

    There're no sure things here folks, and leverage is RISKY!

    But that's why I'm picking $DOT. It was at $4-per for FOREVER! And it has a pacing I have an okay-feel for.

    So, I'm thinking $6.7-per is highish.

    Let's say $DOT's price settles to $6-per, allowing me to close both 5xSHORT at $7 and $6.7.

    I send the profits to @TeamKujira.

    With $DOT at $6, we're at the (local) nadir now, but I also have $87.5 to invest. I open

    5xSHORT @ $6; 21.875 $USDC
    5xLONG @ $6; 65.625 $USDC

    Still not touching the liquidity in the LP.

    Can $DOT keep going down forever? SURE! And I'll keep attenuating, losing the 12.5 5xLONG.

    Note the last statement.

    I STARTED with 5xLONG for 50 $USDC and 5xSHORT for 50 $USDC, but the liquidation hit me only at 12.5 $USDC, because I attenuate the extremes.

    Does attenuation always work with leverage? HELLZ NAH!

    NOTHING ALWAYS works with leverage.



    Has this attenuation of the extremes and emphasizing the middle worked for me?

    Recently, yes.

    I'm continuing this approach. Please note that this is a work in progress and not tested under all market conditions, so I'll adjust as I learn.

    I recommend you do the same.

    Okay, I've shown you attenuating the extremes.

    Now let's show emphasizing the middle.

    Emphasizing the Middle

    $DOT price goes up to $6.2, I close the 5xLONG at $6 for 65.625 $USDC, I re-place that LONG and add a SHORT.

    My positions are now:

    5xSHORT @ $6; 21.875
    5xSHORT @ $6.2; 16.406
    5xLONG @ $6.2; 49.219
    5xLONG at $7; 12.5

    Note how the middle is ALREADY emphasized!

    Let's say $DOT goes to $6.5. I close the 5xLONG at $6.2 for $49.219 BUT NOW I'M IN THE MIDDLE!

    I WITHDRAW 50 $USDC from the LP.

    Why do I withdraw $USDC from the DOT/USDC LP?

    Because I've 'discovered' a local $DOT middle for my leveraged positions.

    Now it's time for me to emphasize that middle.

    I place both a 5xLONG and 5xSHORT on $DOT @ $6.5 for ~50 $USDC each.

    My $DOT leveraged positions are now as follows:

    5xSHORT @ $6; 21.875
    5xSHORT @ $6.2; 16.406
    5xSHORT @ 6.5; 50
    5xLONG @ 6.5; 50
    5xLONG at $7; 12.5

    And with $DOT now at $6.5-per, whichever way the markets go, I make money.

    CAN this be wiped out by a rug or a rocket? Sure.

    But WILL my positions be wiped out?

    ... sure?

    But $DOT, as a crypto, is pretty big now. I'm leveraging $DOT because I've got a feel for its price-movements, so, given the above setup (PT), it feels like I will have created a $DOT πŸ’ΈπŸ–¨️.

    Now, I've only just started this $DOT leveraged approach, so 1) I'm not there yet, and 2) $DOT is no $AVAX (some of you are saying: "THANK GOD!"), so is 5x-leverage enough? Or do I need to go 10x to make this thing work? I'm at day 1, so time will tell.


    Let's say I DO create a $DOT πŸ’ΈπŸ–¨️.

    WAT DO?

    My immediate goals are:

    1. Burn the $USK borrow, so my $DOT πŸ’ΈπŸ–¨️ is FO' FREE!
    2. Use the profits to buy more $DOT to mint another 200 $USK and BUIDL!

    THEN I'll take a step back and start directing funds.

    Long-term goal is to have crypto pay for everything: medical, food, mortgage, my daughters' college.

    To do that, I've got to offramp $1,000/day. That's what I'm making in my job IRL.

    That is: offramp $1,000/day AND GROW my crypto principal.

    There's this thing called inflation.

    DO I see this long-term goal as possible, at all?



    After I pay off my borrows, and generate $1,000/day, consistently, I'll not only see it, I'll be living it.

    I'll keep you posted, folks.

    I love you. 

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