Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Daily Fantom Blockchain position report, 2023-03-15

I ambled onto @FantomFDN to check my @UniDexFinance positions, and lo! and behold! $FTM-prices have fallen 10%+, so I close my short position.

2023-03-13 entry: $450 on $FTM @ $0.416-per
2023-03-15 exit: $507.46 on $FTM @ $0.3888-per
net: $56.54
ROI: 12%
annualized: 2293.19%

As soon as I closed the short, capturing the ... gain(?) or do I say "capturing the loss"?

It is a short, after all.

I open a new 2x $FTM-short position, same as the one prior.

$FTM price-movement is now bracketed by a 2x-long and a 2x-short position.

So, I made $56.

What do I do with it? Grow the short?

That's one option, but there's a proverb in Go: "He attacked me until he died."

If you attack, and attack, and attack, and don't fortify your positions, eventually what happened to the banks will happen to you.

The tough thing about being patient is that being patient is tough.

Especially when you're winnin', right? You get that rush, and you feel invincible. That's great, and pushing forward rewards you more, so you push forward more!

We all know that works, but only for a while.

You win some;
you lose some.

What separates those who are successful at investing from those who are not are, well, a lot of things, but one of the important discriminators is that successful investors have plans for the bad times as well as for the good times.

So, do I have good plans in place on @FantomFDN.

Yeah. I've got bags, and they're growing.

  • @GeistFinance feeding the infinite $GEIST well
  • @GranaryFinance growing my $FTM-bag.


My Achilles' Heel, however, is that, even though I have the $FTM ($sFTMX loop) hedged. I don't have the $GEIST ($USDC-$MIM loop) hedged. And I paid (a lot of money in being liquidated) for that.

Problem solved.

Let's take the captured earnings from the short and BUIDL a hedge.

Boom! Established a stable pool, USDC-USDT-MIM, on @beethoven_x. 

I'm not happy that most of it is in $MIM, but, hey! On a $MIM-depeg, this will payoff the borrow on @GeistFinance and that's why I have it.

We can now do the @FantomFDN daily report.

Daily Fantom Blockchain position report, 2023-03-15

invested: $27,137.95
valuation: $24,576.56
ROI: -9.44%

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