Friday, March 17, 2023

Valuation, Kujira portfolio: 2023-03-17

Let's have some arbitration-fun on @TeamKujira FIN axlUSDC/USK order book.

My SELL order hit, buying $USK between 98¢ to 99.5¢.

So, I take those exact $USK amounts I've claimed and BUY them back at the current, much lower prices of 97¢ to 96¢-per.

MAKING 2%-3.2% in arbitrage!


I bought back $axlUSDC:

50.8 $axlUSDC from 49 $USK, arb: 1.8%

I put that $axlUSDC right back on the market, continuing the arb.

Me, and Cap'n America: "I can do this all day!"

Speaking of arbitrage, ...


Don't change. I sold 50 $KUJI to claim 18 $LUNA at $1.34-per, 2¢ off the current price of $1.36-per, or a savings of 1.5%. That's a wee-bit off, but it's still off.

I'm OFT! to sell more $KUJI to claim $LUNA at a deeper discount, BYE!


1.74 $ATOM for 21 $USK
discounted quote: $11.84-per
vs current: $12.617-per

That's almost a whole dollar off current price!

premium: 3.99%
commission: 0.008722 $ATOM, or nothing, as I like to think.


Even better than the axlUSDC/USK-arb is the KUJI/LUNA-...'arb'(?)

So, I just sold $KUJI, claiming $LUNA at $1.2-per.

As $LUNA is currently trading at $1.36-per, this was a 6% discount on the $LUNA-price.


Let's have some arbitrage-fun on @TeamKujira FIN axlUSDC/USK order book.

You: "geophf, didn't you tweet this yesterday?"
me: "I was going to ask if you saw a theme developing here."

I SOLD $axlUSDC at 98¢-per, so I BUY BACK the exact amount of $USK I received at a LOWER price.

BTW, if you look into my order-history, this order-fulfillment (12 on my SPREADSHEETSZORXEN!!) came from a previously filled order (4), so this is already an arbitrage-win of 0.95% ROI.

"0.95% ROI?" sez you. "WHO CARES?" sez you.

Annualized, that's 342.36% APR.

So: I care.

Speaking of 'BTW': ....

BTW, I was selling $wBTC at $25,000-per on the wBTC/axlUSDC @TeamKujira order book.

It's currently trading at $26k+.

You could've had $BTC at $1,000-discount.

Not anymore. I've just canceled that sell-order.

Pay attention to the markets and the asks!

Okay, now: $WHALE.

A buy-order popped on WHALE/USK @TeamKujira FIN board, so: I bridged that over to Migaloo blockchain, (liquid) staked those tokens, then, put them up for sale on the still nascent ampWHALE/WHALE board.

You see the prices I set?

Let's see if they all hit.

Valuation, Kujira portfolio: 2023-03-17

invested: $13,055.22
value: $13,967.42
net gain: $912.19
ROI: 6.99%

staked: $955.02
wallet: $1,920.236
order book bids: $3,817.23
Supply: $4,947.24
Borrow: -$1,026.157
LPs: $3,142.57
ORCA liquidation Bids: $211.268

matches supply+stake: TRUE
matches LPs: TRUE
matches value: TRUE

total assets: $13,967.42
discrepancy: $0.00


@TeamKujira FIN order books: 2023-03-17

Profit: $216.270
Loss: $33.658
subtotal: $182.611
fees: $0.000
commission: $0.074
total costs: $0.074

Total profit (or loss): $182.537 on 16 trades
average: $11.409 per trade

1 liquidation at a 3.99% premium (avg)

pnl sources:

Assets in play

Kujira Positions report

staked, supplied, provisioned, @TeamKujira 2023-03-17

Staked and supplied assets UP 19.61%

LP positions DOWN 1.50%*

total positions:
$8,129.07 invested
$9,048.95 value
UP 11.32%

*my largest LP: SCRT-USK, worth $680, has gone missing from BOW and BLUE.

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