Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Should I stake $KUJI, el geophf?

"hello ser, been thinking about buying a good bag of KUJI, should I? And if yes why? Would love to know your opinion on that"

The answer I give is easy and not so easy.

  • Easy: yes, buy $KUJI if you're using it like me, or if you have a use for it.
  • Not so easy: ... maybe?
So, first of all, I don't do predictive analytics against the markets, because the predictive analysts are zoodoo gurus if they're honest.

Where is the accountability for predictions, have you ever seen any? There are some, but none that I've seen that show prior predictions' performance with any reliability: "See, I was right about $BTC!" 

Okay, but what's your right/wrong ratios across all your predictions?

So my answers are based on a priori analysis and current use-cases.

If you have a use for $KUJI now, buy $KUJI.

I do.

What is my use for $KUJI now?


Don't make me laugh-puke! 

What are your returns on staking for $KUJI?

Unless you're @SumoKuji, and a few others, you've made what I've made, staking $KUJI: nothing worth mentioning.

That doesn't mean I don't stake: but I stake, not for the yields nor for the (imaginary) retained value, but to thank validators for doing the awesome job that they do.

THINK about it!

... and I'M PISSED that $ampWHALE hit the markets before $ampKUJI did, but so it goes.

So, which are the most numerous order books? And where can I make the most net gains?

That's the question I ask when I ask: "Should I buy x?"

And that question is super-easy to answer: I buy @TeamKujira's protocol token:


jk 😅

But the order books don' lie.

Cleaned up we have:


Then I go to the 24h-volumes/order-book to see what's viable.

And THAT's why I'm buying $KUJI, ... and $USK, and $ATOM, and $LUNA, because there are so many HAPPENING order books (volume-wise) with so many inefficiencies (or: 'trade-opportunities') that having $KUJI and these other tokens on hand makes me money.



Now, what if you're not going to be using $KUJI, or any of these tokens, for trading?

Then you have to do a different analysis.

  1. What are the stake-returns (APY) of $KUJI verse staking something else ($ATOM? $EVMOS?)
  2. What's your outlook on $KUJI verses other tokens? Is $KUJI what you want a year from now more than, e.g. $ETH?

If you're a fire-and-forget kinda guy (like I am, too, ... sometimes? 😅🙄), then you may consider liquid staking, e.g.: @stride_zone and pick the token you love. Or @eris_protocol, same.

Then you can loop on @demexchange or @Umee_CrossChain and add to stable LPs on @osmosiszone

And you have to consider the value to a token if you're staking or long-term HODL'n it. 

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