Monday, April 10, 2023



How can you know how you're doing?


Do you sense a theme from my tweets?

'Hint': it's ... measure.

I've been in @FantomFDN for a while. How am I doing?

That's the wrong question. Why? It's vague. Let's ask better questions so we can get to answers that are useful.

How is $sFTMX doing?

That's actually a pretty tough question to answer.


Because how do you measure that?

For context, staked @FantomFDN $FTM is one of the tokens that have a realized NEGATIVE return, according to @StakingRewards. 

BUT! @staderlabs reports that $sFTMX has an APR of 4.7%. 

Which figure is correct? How can we know? 

... hint? 

The first piece of evidence (that $sFTMX is working) is the daily Granary Finance report

What we see is a realized gain of $FTM from the $sFTMX over time, to the tune of 15%-...ish APR (3.38x leveraged).

Another data-point, contrasting to the leveraged-approach, is @UniDexFinance's $FTM pool, where you supply liquidity for them to use to back their perpetuals. 

How's it doing?

In a word: smashingly well.

93.6% ROI 💥🎉💥
... but only 10% APY?


But that's not even half the story!

To protect against a possible $sFTMX-depeg, I've hedged the collateral with the @beethoven_x Locked, Staked, and Two Smoking Fantoms LP.

That's an additional $3.2k liquidity necessary for those 85 $FTM.

3x invested but not only 1.5x yielded?

Am I saying @GranaryFinance $sFTMX looped investment is bad?

Nah, fam. I'm not saying that at all.

I am saying my investments on @FantomFDN need redistribution to reflect the yields.

That's what I'm saying.

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