Saturday, April 2, 2022

CrystalVale Self-funding project

Okay, folks:


They've released their 4th farm, so: time to get serious and establish a self-funding project.

n.b. $CRYSTAL is ~$38 and I'm taking a loan. 

This risk is stupidly high. Stupidly.
So you can watch el geophf die.

A little poesy to start us off.

First things first. We MEASURE where we're at. For me, that's establishing CrystalVale as a position in my portfolio.

translation: SPREADSHEETS?!?!

mais bien sรปr! (that is French)

Now I go to the BANK to collect the $xCRYSTAL airdrop, along with 2 Million other people.

$xCRYSTAL! I'm a $272aire on my first airdrop. SWEET! ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’ฏ

And with one 1-second transaction, I made 6x more than I made all yesterday, BUT LOOK AT THAT TRANSACTION REPORT! ๐Ÿ˜

Speaking of BANK...

Now is the time to start the self-funding project. I take a $1000.00 loan from @anchor_protocol and bridge that $UST to Harmony using the Terra bridge from @anchor_protocol. 

You can BET I'm recording this loan to myself against CrystalVale ledger.

While the money is transferring to Harmony, I'll make my "CrystalVale Self-Funding Experiment" ... SPREADSHEET.

Question: how to distribute the funds into the LPs?
Answer: the CrystalVale LP Distributor Thingie/CLDT(tm)(c)(r)!!

Which we have to make yet. Let's do that. ๐Ÿ˜…

The CLDT ...

works as follows:

  1. ENTER the APYs of the farms (yellow)
  2. CHECK that the pool rewards are the correct proportions
  3. ENTER how much you're distributing into the farms

The CLDT then tells you the funds to disburse to each LP. SWEET!

BUT WAIT! THE NEW, IMPROVED CLDTenator 3500 NOW computes how much to allocate to each asset as outlays!

This new version, hot 'n fresh, is comin' atcha FO' FREE!

'cuz I'm just that kind o' guy. ๐Ÿ˜Ž Awww! ๐Ÿฅฐ

So, now that we've got those calculations, let's 

  • SWAP all the $UST to $JEWEL on Harmony, 
  • BANK some of that $JEWEL (to make $xJEWEL babies: so, ... BANKING IS SMEX!) (you heard that first from meh), then 
  • BRIDGE the $JEWEL and $xJEWEL to the DFK Chain.

We've $JEWEL'd up our DFK chain, so let's seed our farms as per our CLDT.

  • the xJEWEL-JEWEL LP is the easiest, so we'll do this one ... FRIST!

(I like being FRIST!) ๐Ÿ˜Ž
(Mom is so proud right now, God rest her). ๐Ÿ˜ข

Did I mention that I LOVE the transaction reports? ๐Ÿฅฐ

The other LPs require $CRYSTAL, so let's swap $JEWEL for that, then SWAP $JEWEL for the other assets, $USDC and $AVAX.


Then pair the assets as 'seeds' and stake the seeds in the garden. You know the drill by now, right?


CrystalVale Asset Allocation, 2022-04-03:

VERRA heavily biased toward xJEWEL-JEWEL LP, but that's by design. If CV reapportions CRYSTAL emissions to other farms, we'll have to revisit this allocation approach, but for now, I'm pleased. Let's see how this bears out.

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