Sunday, December 4, 2022

AVAX: wat do?

@Jaycee_B1 asks:

Hi! Actually doing gentle DCAing on AVAX, can you give me some tips on what to do with them to improve my situation?  🥸

Fair question. Let's do this $AVAX-thing.

First off: if you're doing gentle DCAing ('dollar cost average' investing), then you're doing great!

Now, what you do with the $AVAX is up to you. 

If $AVAX is sacred, that is, you can't lose 0.01 $AVAX, then I'd recommend AGAINST LPs with stable coins, as $AVAX is on the upswing, and an AVAX-stable LP bet AGAINST $AVAX.

But if you want to USE $AVAX to generate income, then maybe providing liquidity with $AVAX works for you. 

@Alpha_HomoraV2 has some interesting $AVAX leveraged LPs, if you can stomach leverage (I can, so I invest there, and the AVAX-stable LPs are 🔥🔥🔥 rn).

But if $AVAX is SACRED to you, then I recommend the $sAVAX-route. It generates 0 income but has INTRINSIC growth vis-à-vis $AVAX, so, each second you're not in $sAVAX is a second you're losing growth.

I'm HEAVILY invested in $sAVAX, as you'll see in my daily Avalanche report.

So, how do you grow your $sAVAX, 2 ways, no: 3.

1. supply $sAVAX on, e.g.: @BenqiFinance


2. pair with $AVAX and farm on, e.g.: @traderjoe_xyz


3. loop $sAVAX (HIGHLY leveraged) via CIAN-methodology, either @AaveAave or @BenqiFinance loops.

I do all 3.

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