Thursday, February 23, 2023

Daily Fantom Blockchain position report, 2023-02-23

Let's go to @FantomFDN.

Why? Wasn't I on @FantomFDN yesterday? Yes.

Let's go to @FantomFDN. 

The reason for the return to @FantomFDN, besides it being so durn cute and all, is that @miketho15343550 pointed out a UNIDX-wFTM LP on @EqualizerFlash.

I have ~58 $UNIDX, which equates to 764 $wFTM.

Where do I get 764 $wFTM?

Let's go to @avalancheavax and take a self-loan.


So, I go to @avalancheavax and borrow 100 $AVAX on @BenqiFinance. 100 $AVAX is more than 764 $wFTM, but I have a plan:

  • $100 (5 $AVAX) to COSMOS for the 100 $USDC on @demexchange 
  • $1000 (51 $AVAX) as $ETH to @arbitrum to buy $GLP.
  • the rest to @FantomFDN. 

Let's do it.


First things first: I transfer 43 $AVAX to @Bybit_Official to eventuate on @FantomFDN as $FTM.

The transfer takes a wee bit, so I do this FRIST! AHA! 😎

Huh. The transfer occurred pretty quickly.

I head OFT! to the Bybit order books, swapping $AVAX for $USDT.

The way limit orders are now fulfilled are pretty exciting! I placed a sell limit-order (1 of them), 

...but ByBit actually fulfilled it with four trades, pretty quickly, too!

Then I swap that $USDT for $FTM. 

One thing I noticed: these multiple trade-transactions now have not insignificant trading fees.

0.8471538598 $USDT?
1.71769 $FTM? 

Excuse me?

These aren't @ethereum fees, but they're also not @FantomFDN nor @avalancheavax fees.

What gives?!?

I transfer the $FTM on @Bybit_Official to @FantomFDN, 

...and we're in business! 


What does 'in business' mean on @FantomFDN? Me, I pass all liquidity first through @GeistFinance then through @GranaryFinance.

"That's a lot of work!" you observe.

Yes, it is, but why do I do this? To leverage the liquidity, ... twice.

I do the usual supply-then-borrow of stables to leverage liquidity on the @GeistFinance money-market, 

...then I swap that borrowed $MIM to $FTM (@UnlDexFinance works best swapping TO $FTM), 

...then to $sFTMX on @beethoven_x. 

I amble on over to @GranaryFinance and do the same thing: supply $sFTMX to borrow $FTM, leveraging the liquidity via the supply/borrow-loop.

You see I borrow 1050 $FTM, more than the 764 $FTM I need to provision the $UNIDX-LP. Why?

Because I'll hedge my @GranaryFinance position

As the $UNIDX-lps on @EqualizerFlash require wrapped $FTM, I first swap my $FTM on @beethoven_x. 

Then I provide liquidity to the pools. Let's do the volatile UNIDX-FTM LP first. 

Dear @EqualizerFlash,

Why is my position 0 LP when you very clearly stated my LP was staked?

Please fix so it shows the correct staked LP balance.

Thank you.
love, geophf 

Okay, now let's do the stable UNIDX-wFTM LP.

This requires a lot more $FTM than what I anticipated.

After much thought, I say: "No problem!" I just stake what I have, and revert the remaining $UNIDX to @UnlDexFinance, 


so I have all three kinds now: 2 LPs and $UNIDX HODL.

After the dust settles, my @FantomFDN portfolio is thus.

Daily Fantom Blockchain position report, 2023-02-23

invested: $28,364.40
valuation: $29,867.95
ROI: 5.30%

A good balance? Eh, sure. I like it at present.

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