Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Investment by Blockchain: 2023-01-15

Let's do the blockchains daily report.

First I move liquidity over to @TeamKujira blockchain from Avalanche by first swapping to $USDC on @KyberNetwork 

then swapping that to $axlUSDC on @CurveFinance. 

I then bridge that to @TeamKujira.

Then I transfer liquidity to the Fantom Opera GhostDawgChain network via @Bybit_Official with an interim swap-swap from $AVAX -> $USDT -> $FTM. 

After the liquidity is on Fantom, I do a bit o' yield-farming, collecting yields from the $USDC-pool on @UniDexFinance 

...and the $SD-yields from @GranaryFinance. 

Why this yield-collecting frenzy tonight?

Because @beethoven_x has a special LP { $USDC, $SD, $sFTMX } that's 50%+ APR.

I provide those yielded-assets as liquidity to that pool. 

The $FTM I swap to $USDC on @UniDexFinance 

then supply to @GeistFinance marketplace, 

borrowing most of it right back as $MIM, leveraging $GEIST-yields.

I swap the $MIM to $FTM on @UniDexFinance, 

then to $sFTMX on @beethoven_x, 

which I then supply to @GranaryFinance. 

I borrow back 1600 $FTM.

This is my working liquidity for today. 

This is the fun-part. Because now I get to invest this liquidity in projects around @FantomFDN.

Where to invest?

First, I'll put ~$100 liquidity into the $FTM- and $USDC-pools on @UniDexFinance. 

Next, I swap 300 $FTM (~$100) to $CRV, then supply then loop the $CRV on @GeistFinance. Why? NET APY on $CRV borrow is ~8%.

I do the same for $LINK, for the same reasons. 

After those evolutions, this is what my @GeistFinance positions look like.

stables: loop/δ+ (on $MIM-borrow)
$CRV: loop
$LINK: loop

Of note, no $FTM: that's in @GranaryFinance. No $ETH: I'll let $GEIST-lock accumulate that.

I spent $0.00 on the 15k $GEIST that I have vesting.

You see that the vesting $GEIST has already accumulated a wee (tiny) bit o' $ETH and other market-fees tokens. 

I'll collect these yields once they surpass $10, as is my wont.

Here is the $GEIST vesting-schedule (Do you say 'shead-duel'? or ... the right way? 😈). I'll be able to begin locking $GEIST in one month.

There's a debate as to pay the 50% penalty as that may be better than waiting 3 months to vest.

But here's the thing: I've spent nothing on $GEIST, so I can afford to wait-out the vesting period.

If I had withdrawn early, the current rise in $GEIST-price would have kilt me.

Next I invest 200 $FTM (~$65) into @beethoven_x "The Stader Staked Symphony"-LP.

I'm not making up that LP's name.

That's what I love about @FantomFDN: the protocols choose to have fun with the investments they offer.

It yields 27% and backs my $sFTMX bag on @GranaryFinance.

The last investment for ... 'today' will be @FantomFDN @Alpha_HomoraV2 "Late Quartet" leveraged LP.

I invested $1000 into @Alpha_HomoraV2 2 weeks ago into two types of BTC-ETH LPs.

The returns have been stellar.

First, let's collect the yields, then swap to $FTM. 

I swap-swap $FTM to $wBTC on @SpookySwap and $wETH on @beethoven_x.

Now we're ready to invest into the "Last Quartet" leverage LP on @Alpha_HomoraV2. 

Now that I have the assets, @Alpha_HomoraV2 makes it easy to supply and then to leverage liquidity to their LPs. It looks intimidating but here are the steps:

  1. provide liquidity, either as assets or as LP-tokens, in any mix you like.

  1. leverage to whatever level.

  1. FINITO! 

I'm now ready to run the daily blockchains report.

Investment by Blockchain: 2023-01-15

invested: $80,977.12
value: $86,509.80
ROI: 6.83%

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